Shady Miracle

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Hey there.
I'm Bethany Holstein, a 15 year old girl in high school, I do well in all my subjects, kill it in sports, and have a loving family... Well, loving new family.
My biological father had some obsession with cat girls, he also wanted a daughter to manipulate into giving him sexual pleasure. So he went ahead and found an ex professional, who specialized in messing with genes, impregnated a woman, drugged her, brought her in while she was asleep, the gene manipulator did his thing... And my real mom was not happy after waking up to the scene.
The incident got reported, my biological dad went to jail with the ex doctor, my biological mom gave birth to me, saw my cat ears, and gave me away. The incident made the paper, it became a big thing. The scientists wanted to keep me in a facility, experiment on me, and see what gene manipulation did to me. The public did not have it, so a compromise was made.
"Alright Bethany..." The nurse said to me.
"Ms. Holstein to you, did you not learn how to talk to people? People who you are caring for, who put money into your paychecks through taxes, deserve respect, am I wrong?" I ask, then cut off her attempt to answer. "It was a rhetorical question, but of course you knew that, right?"
She paused, obviously a little unnerved by my attitude. Not like I wanna be here lady, be considerate.
The compromise is having to get tests every other week, nothing invasive, pretty much like a medical check up, but mine is paid for... And more frequent. Which leads to it being an absolute annoyance.
"... Ms. Holstein, can you put out your arm?" She says calmly to me, looks like this nurse is practiced.
"Sure, how far? Should I sing a song as well? I could, and wow your less sensitive ears to death. I'd advise you don't sing, I'm sure it'll be awful." I go on to insult her abilities before she even thought of displaying them.
"Ms. Holstein, arm please?" The nurse asked me now.
"Ah! A proper way to ask, let's see if you can do step two." I give her my arm.
"Now try to-" she starts, I interrupt.
"Thank you? Jeez, what do I have to do to get a decent human to take my blood?" I ask, not needing an answer, nor at this point getting any. She sticks the needle into where it usually goes.
I see the syringe fill up with blood as the nurse sighed. "They weren't lying about you it seems, do you always behave like this?" She asked me.
"Rumors about me are true? Good thing I don't care about any of you, also only when I'm upset. And I'm usually always fed up." I reply. The syringe is removed and then begins the other tests.
God, it's such a pain.

After I was all done, I came out to find my mother waiting for me in the hospital lobby. She's not the one that abandoned me and has treated me like any mother would treat a daughter, though I'm not an expert, so maybe she's not that great? Who knows. "Hey mom." I say and do a small wave.
"Hey Bethany, did it get any better to go through this week?" She asks.
"Never will, so no point bothering to ask." I reply, I don't want to be mean to this woman, she tries her best to make me happy without asking for anything back. She's the type of person I'd never treat badly.
"Well shoot, if we weren't legally bound to that contract to bring you in every other week, I'd tell them to shove it." She says, not loudly, but I could hear the bit of fury in her tone. "At least it's nothing dangerous they do to you." She smiles and bends down to hug me. "My precious Bethany boo~"
"Mom, stop please." I say flustered, I don't get much affection from people, it's embarassing. She releases the blushing me, and giggles, gesturing me to come to the car with her.
I'm 15 yes, but thanks to gene manipulation my max height is four feet, the only part that makes me mature looking, or should I say parts, are my breasts. I have a strong back because of that, I really need to, but the issues of having large breasts are gonna haunt me for awhile. I've been told that surgery was possible, but due to my genetics, they'd grow back to their original size even if I got the fat sucked out of them. There's risks for doing such things and it is costly so... I'm stuck with huge boobs on a small body. Only attention I get from these attributes is perverts.
Most men aren't into disproportionate figures like mine, but I do have a cute face, so that sometimes goes somewhere. Do I like the attention? No. Men are pigs and I can't stand people in general, but the looks they give my body make men the worst. I wish I could remove the sex part of every male's brain, so that way they'd stop staring at my chest!
Anyways, life sucks, but I'll do my best to make something of myself in this world. I don't wanna be adored for anything I was genetically  manipulated to have, I want to stand on my own two feet. It's my life, and I'll make that happen.
My mom and I get into the car and drive to my school, boy oh boy I have school. I get to see...

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