Chapter 1

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I woke that morning, surprised at my surroundings. I quickly realized I was in Night Court, no where near my estate at Day Court.

I ran my fingers through my hair, and pulled on my robes to warm me. Night Court was up North and colder.

I ran to my balcony to watch as the sunrise began. The Night Court was known for its beautiful sunsets and sunrises but nothing compared to its nights.

My maid, Minerva, bustled in to warm my bath, and get me ready for yet another day at Uncle Rhysand and Aunt Feyre's hidden city.

The sun was a beautiful splash of vibrant colors, looking as if it were a painting Aunt Feyre had made.

"Leania, the bath is ready, and I have laid out your gown for you to wear," Minerva said, and pulled out dark blue silk slippers.

Without hesitation, I let myself fall into the warmth of the bath, unwilling to move. The warmth traveled throughout my body, and warming by freezing skin.

Unfortunately, my soak only lasted a few minutes before Minerva pulled me out of the heat, dried my hair, pinned it up, and pulled me together.

As she finished putting the final touches, I looked at myself in the mirror. Looking back at me, was a woman of 19, with soft golden-brown hair with a tint of red. A tall, slim stature, but still powerful graceful.

She finished fussing over my my dress, and I bid her good day, before I set out to find the rest of my extensive family, in the family estate near the Sidra, a short walk from ours. As I left my families manor, the House of Light, I was found by my oldest cousin, Arysin.

He was the son of the High Lord, Rhysand, ruler of Night Court, and his mate, my aunt, Feyre.

He was 24, built like an Illyrian warrior, but had very kind, courageous, patient, and playful characteristics. After all, he actually was part Illyrian.

Lately, I had been avoiding him because the last time we saw each other, he had been claiming that I was his mate, his equal in every way, in a very sensual way.

I had long since ignored him. I had never heard of mating being possible between cousins who were High Fae. So I stalked past him, trying not to yell at him.

"What do you want, Arysin?" I asked, already knowing what he was going to say.

He surprised me, "Please, just walk with me."

He offered me his arm, and reluctantly, I took it. He was my cousin after all. I was just hoping my other cousin, Avia, would show up, so I wouldn't be alone with him.

He had manners, I admired that, but I did not want to be his mate.

Avia's mother was my aunt Nesta, my mother's sister, and Aunt Feyre's too. She was training to be an Illyrian warrior, like her father, Cassian. She was tall, almost as tall as me, brave, smart, hot-headed, but was my best friend.

We strode along the path, the sunrise showered over us like melting gold. A few people walked past us, but other than that, the silence was deafening.

Finally, I couldn't stand it, "What are you planning to do today?"

He thought for a second.

"Well," He said properly, in his playful, teasing way, "I have to train some more, but other than that, I'm free!"

I laughed, then slapped him playfully, "You're terrible, you know that!"

He put head back and laughed, though I could tell deep inside, he was disappointed.

I tried to cheer him up, "Later, you could take me flying. It's been forever since I did that."

He stopped us, and looked deep into my eyes. His green eyes were more stunning in this light.

"I would love to." He said happily.

We reached the House of Wind, and walked into the dining room. It was gorgeous.

We found his parents, Avia, my older brother, Ronsen, my parents, Mor, Azriel, and Amren.

Aunt Feyre was talking with Mother, Amren, and Mor. They were eating, and laughing at something Mor had said.

Uncle Rhys was joking with Father, as Azriel watched in silence, shadows flitting around him.

Lastly, Avia and Ronsen were talking loudly, and laughing in their seats.

All was well, though I noticed Aunt Nesta and Uncle Cassian weren't present. They must still be asleep, I thought to myself.

I took a seat next to Avia, across from Arysin.
Avia turned to me, and unexpectedly hugged me. I hugged her back, and noticed something different about her.

"Something's off." I stated, looking her over, before I found she was wearing a gown.

"Your wearing a dress!" I exclaimed.

  "She looked at me funny, then chuckled, "What, this piece of junk, please." She said sarcastically, then leaned forward and whispered into my ear, "My maid made me wear it. Horrific, isn't it?"

    I had to agree with her, it was sparkly and had ugly flowers on one side.

    "Where are your parents?" I asked, digging into my food. Night Court always had the best meals.

    She looked at me funny. "Oh, you know, doing you know what." She said, and emphasized the last few words. She was terrible sometimes.

    I figured I should eat before Avia got anymore ideas.

    I noticed Arysin glancing at me every few minutes. I knew he wouldn't give up. When you've felt your mate, you wouldn't help yourself, at least that's what Father said.

    After breakfast, I said goodbye to Avia, Ronsen, and Arysin who were going off to train for a few hours. I was being trained as well, but didn't like training while on vacation.

    Mother came up to me, and kissed me on the cheek. She had natural beauty, something I inherited from her. She looked as if she weren't any older than me, though she was nearing 239. Immortality was a wonderful thing sometimes.

    "How are you, Lean?" It was her nickname for me, I smiled.

"I'm fine. I was just going to watch them train."    

Mother gave me a small mile before she was whisked away by Mor and Aunt Feyre.

    I headed over to Father to say good morning.

    "Leania!" He exclaimed when he saw me. I gave him a huge smile, though I had other things on my mind.

    "Do you have a moment?" He looked back at Uncle Rhys, who smiled, and turned toward Azriel.

    "Yes." Father said, and we walked out of the dining room. I drew in a deep breath.

    "You see, Arysin has been saying that I'm his mate. Is it possible between cousins?" I asked, and watched his face turn into a smile.   He was beautiful, I knew why Mother fell in love with him.

    "Well of course. You just have to feel something like a click, and suddenly, your madly in love with someone. You feel a yearning, like you have to be there for them. It took your mother forever to agree to become my mate."

    This gave me a little courage, but not enough.

    "Well, thank you Father, but I have to go." I turned to go, and he called behind me, "Give him a chance!"

    I nodded, and ran along the path, until I found them beyond the city. Maybe I should give Arysin a chance. I would try.

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