Part 1 - The Mysterious Stranger

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The Mysterious Stranger


Sheogorath sat on a chair at the side of a bed with an unconscious young woman laying in it. The woman apparently not only made it to the Shivering Isles, but managed to reach the palace steps before she collapsed.. One of the Auriels brought her in and put her in an empty guest room. Sheogorath came in shortly after she was put in bed. He was delighted that he didn't know why she was here, who she was and where she came from. He had fun guessing and the uncertainty of it was great.

"My Lord, what do you plan to do with her?" Haskill mentioned.

"I believe it's time for a celebration! We've not had a mysterious visitor in so long! Cheese for everyone! As for her, I won't skip rope with her intestines... at least not yet. What's the fun in tearing out someone's intestines and playing with them if they don't even know and see what you're doing? I want to find out what's she's doing here first. He rested his chin on his palm. He looked up at Haskill with a gleeful grin. "Oh, I do love the unknown of it all! Haskill you're dismissed for now. I want time to guess as to why she's here". Is she a spy? OooOoo, the intrigue! Is Sanguine spying on him again? Or perhaps Mehrunes Dagon, he was always a problem child. He actually didn't remember anyone ever spying on him, but it doesn't mean they never have! Oh, what did it matter anyway..."

He reached out and gently touched her face, tucking a strand of long brown hair behind her ear. She was indeed beautiful and looked as if she were Breton. He had a strange feeling about this woman laying peacefully in front of him. He wasn't sure whether it was a bad gut feeling or good gut feeling, but that didn't matter to him. Uncertainty was a wonderful thing and he looked forward as to how this all would play out. He wondered when and if she would awaken. That was delightful too, not knowing if that would even happened. Maybe he'd have an unconscious woman tying up his guest room for eternity. He chuckled. Wonderful! Perfect! Hilarious!

"My Lord" Haskill stepped forward to Sheogorath's throne, cautiously. His Lord looked bored and that was often a dangerous, dangerous thing..

"What is it, Haskill, can't you see I'm busy being bored? Ah, you must have come to entertain me then" His voice darkened and a slow cruel smile slowly grew on his face.

"No, my Lord. I've come to bring news that the young woman has awakened." Sheogorath leapt to his feet. "I thought you might want to visit her, as the hospitable thing to do."

"Make sure nobody disturbs us Haskill or I'll be decorating my throne with the innards of the fool that does so."

The room was empty, with nobody save him or the woman, who was now sitting up groggily in her bed. He sat in the chair that he'd frequently sat in the past week. Now she was awake! She looked at him confused and spoke.

"Who are you? Where am I? What happened? I... I can't remember who I am!" She looked stressed.

He was thrilled! His boredom was certainly gone and more and more questions meant more and more things to guess at. Oh, this was going to be fun!

"I am Sheogorath! The Daedric Prince of Madness! I do love that title! So fitting, wouldn't you agree? You are in my Realm, the Shivering Isles. I'd actually like to know myself why you are here."

"I don't know, I really... nothing looks familiar. I don't even know who I am as I said, nor where I'm from! I can't remember anything!" She started sobbing. Empathy was something he actually understood, his moods being all over and chaotic.

"Perhaps you'll remember later on. Right now, you are welcome in my palace. You will be fed, clothed, and cared for. If you need me, send for me." His voice was not completely devoid of delight however. He was overjoyed that a mess of a woman had come to visit. "Do you have a name?"

"I...I don't know. I remember nothing, Lord Sheogorath" She shook her head.

"OooOoo, how about Mystery, Rare Delicacy, Thing, no, no, those won't do. How about Deirdre? We'll all call you Deirdre!"


She opened her eyes and her vision was blurry as it adjusted to the dim light. Where was she? Then the sudden realization hit her. She didn't even know WHO she was or where she was from! She tried hard to remember something, ANYTHING, and all it proceeded to do was give her a worse headache. Suddenly she realized that a shadowy figure was standing by the doorway.

"You seem to be awake. How do you feel?" It was a male voice.

"My head hurts." she managed

"I am Haskill, Lord Sheogorath's chamberlain. You are safe in his palace, your wounds have been tended to." He simply stated. "I will inform him that you have awakened." The figure of Haskill disappeared.

She laid in bed, feeling a bit to dizzy to stand up. She didn't need to wait long before a loud voice bellowed out "She's awakened! A celebration! Cheese for everyone!" A relatively attractive man, dressed in purple finery and looking like he was in his late 40s to early 50s, strolled in with a cane. He said nothing, and sat down next to her and seemed like he was waiting for her to speak first.

"I assume that you are Lord Sheogorath? I'd offer you my name.... only problem is I can't remember it. She looked down at her hands in shame. "I don't even know why I'm here or where I'm from.

"Oh well we can't have that!" He started a list of ridiculous names and finally stopped on the name Deirdre." He suggested "And indeed I am Sheogorath! Daedric Prince of Madness. Sounds good doesn't it?"

She tried to think of what a Daedric Prince was and couldn't, so she just muttered that Deirdre was fine. He started prattling on and on, emotions fluctuating. He sounded like a raving lunatic, a madman. Yeah, Prince of Madness sounded about right.

"Well, you look like you need more rest, perhaps you are hungry? A bit of brain pie maybe?" He leaned in close, very close and whispered "Care to donate?"

He leaned back in his seat.

"Uh, no thanks, but thanks for taking me in and everything you've done"

He leaned in again "Let's see if you're saying that in a week."

Part 1 - Sheogorath and the Mysterious StrangerWhere stories live. Discover now