Chapter One

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"Hello Harry."

That was what Sherlock first heard when he awoke.

Harry who was Harry? Open your eyes Sherlock! You need to find out what is going on. Moriarty's men are still out there.

"Crying Sweetheart? Don't worry Sweetie, Mummy's got your milk."

Sherlock felt the warm tip of the bottle enter his mouth and promptly choked.

"Your doing it wrong!"

"I know what I am doing James!"

A young couple, Sherlock deduced. Very young, early twenties, has a newborn they are raising. This would normal if not for the evidence that points to I AM THEIR CHILD! Someone must be pulling something. I must . . .

Sherlock might have said whatever it is that he must do if it weren't for the fact that he was a newborn, and so he fell asleep instead of completing his thought process.

It has been three days. I think. It has been hard to keep track of time in my current situation. I get fed from the bottle, I am changed when it is required, and I am sleeping twenty three hours a day. The person behind this is good. If I were any other person I most certainly have fully believed I had died and came back, but I am not just any other person. I must find out what going on. Vanquish the rest of Moriarty. But more importantly,
for John's sake. I do not want him to suffer, because I 'died'.


"Ah Sirius! Good to see you!" Lily exclaims.

"What is his name?" asks another young male. A close family friend.

"Harrius Sherlock James Potter." So that's my new name. Curious to how Sherlock is still in the mix. I feel myself being handed over. "Harry for short."

I blink. I can see!

"He's opened his eyes! Lily!" One of the males shout, James I presume.

I blink out the film in my eyes. There are the two males. James is a bit shorter than Sirius, dark brown hair, and round glasses. Sirius is in need of a shave and a haircut. Long wavy black hair.

I then stare at my pudgy baby hands. It finally hits me in the face like John did before we met The Woman.

I am a baby. Harrius Sherlock James Potter, my Mum and Dad are Lily and James Potter and this is no trick. I have been born again.

He has your eyes." James says as they all goggle at me.

"Brilliant shade of green isn't it?" Sirius compliments. "Almost the same as the Avada Kedavra Curse. . ." He says in a graver tone.

Avada Kedavra? Must be code for something. Of course now that it is apparent that I have died and reincarnated, so this brings many questions. Such as what year is it? Am I still in the same universe?

"Sirius!" Lily exclaims. "I will not have such awful things said in this house! Harry is only a baby and nothing bad shall happen to him. Besides you're out Secret Keeper, you'd never betray us.

That brings in some clues in. Lily or Mum, is obviously fearful that a green Avada Kedavra Curse will in some way affect me. My eyes being an omen to Sirius. Secret Keeper though?

Lily grabs me from the two men trying to draw the topic away from the Avada Kedavra Curse. I decide to cry as to make her bring back I must find out more about this 'curse'.

"Shush shush, oh don't cry!" Lily fearfully tremors.

"Try showing him some magic to cheer him up," James suggests.

Sherlock's Story (A Harry Potter and Sherlock crossover)Where stories live. Discover now