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This is what the history books don't mention:

So pretty much the world ended July 16th 2012 at 2:34pm.

The whole population just vanished.

The Earth's atmosphere collapsed and every living thing was instantly vaporized by the suns UV rays.

It was called the Supernovan.

And it took out Mercury and Venus with it. Completely.

The Earth had been slowly warming up. Ice bergs melting, snow no longer existed and there was blinding hot sun and searing heat all year around.

Largest percentage of deaths were from heat stroke. These deaths happened after being exposed to the suns rays for 3.26 seconds exactly. It was like a diease. Once you were exposed there was nothing that could be done to save you. You were cooked from the inside out. Slowly. You were left on the street and eventually all that was left of you was bones.

All the animals had long since died out and the only remaining things were humans, deep sea creatures and earth insects.

There were no more jobs or school. You couldn't risk leaving the house or even driving anywhere. Curtains and doors were shut 24/7. The power eventually went out. Life was hell. If you were lucky enough to stay away from the sun, you would eventually starve to death or kill yourself.

Then the clock ticked over to 2:34 on the 16th of June. And just like that not one sound or soul was left in the world.

Then why is there life today? 2112?

Because on July 16th 2012, 3 scientists were working in a supernova heat containment unit. A container that absobed the suns rays and they lived. 2 males and 1 female. They didn't dare leave the unit.

Then 1 month later when 1 of the male scientists had long since been eaten, they were practically dead and had nothing to loose, the 2 scientists emerged from the unit and discovered the new Earth.

It was dark. Very dark. And very cold. There was nothing, absolutely nothing. They were alone and for the first time, they could see no sun. In its place was a blue ball, surrounded with lightning that let off just enough light and heat to keep the Earth alive. Later astronomers would discover that a star had collided with the sun and damaged the core.

But damaged.

Not destroyed.

They would also discover that a huge portion of the ocean had been evaporated and had uncovered large portions of land from far beneath the surface. This also resulted in tectonic plates being moved, joining some co-existing continents together to make 1 big island. There was a clump of land, a few islands surrounding it then nothing but ocean and ocean.

And they would also discover they they weren't actually alone. There were other humans that had survived. Those who had been working on a supernova heat containment unit of their own.

But that wasn't all they discovered.

Life. Alien life.

But they weren't your average green, 1-eyed alien. No. Not even close.

They were worse. Much, much worse.

But this was 16 years after the Supernovan.

And no one, no one has spoken of extra-terrestrial life since.

No one knows what's happened to them. Most people are skeptical that they even existed. It's more like a story you tell your kids to get them to eat their medicine. You better drink your medicine or the big bad Karposens will come get you. Those kids drank their medicine, that's for sure.

Apparently, only 1 of the 2 original scientists acually saw them. She said all she remembers is it looking exactly like her dead father, but it had a distinct pattern of black dots on top of its right collarbone.

But no one knows where the name came from.

And no one knows where they came from.

After emerging from the supernova heat contaiment unit those 2 scientists declared the Earth had a population of only 17. After only reproducing 3 times.

And yet, today, 2112, there is a population of 5 876 220 000.

Only 100 years later.

The reproduction theory was simple. In the same lab that the supernova heat containment unit was being built and tested, another project was being worked on. See, a couple years prior, some scientists and the human resources branch of the government decided that the population was going to die out and they needed a solution. Either clones or mass chemically-altered human reproduction. A vote was taken and research started right away. And research was just finishing and testing was starting on the 16th of July 2012.

This was how the population boomed. So unless you are a direct descendent of those 17, you are not human. Sure you may have the occasional human cell or hair and you act and feel the same, but you are not human.

This year, 2112, only 0.01 percent of the population is human.

Actually human.

There goes human biology.

So the Mass Chemically-Altered Human Evolution Reproduction Plan or the McAher Plan for short is a 24/7, 365.25 day running institute who's soul purpose is just to reproduce. To achieve and go beyond the old population before the Supernovan and make the Earth of humans and nothing else so the human race will never become extinct.


An the head of this sickening operation who is also the founder is known simply as the Producer.

And get this: the Producer has its own 'secret service' called the RP who go around and get blood of cell samples of people who have special gifts or talents so an exact copy of them can be reproduced in the future. These people may just be strong or fit or have an abnormally large IQ or have just lived for a long time. The Producer's dream is to create an 'invincible' human race so if a Supernovan or something worse happens again more people will survive.

And they are also trying to get the DNA out of the direct descendants of those 17, so people won't even suspect that they aren't human. According to non-existent files, only 6 descendants of the 17 are still alive. Only 2 of these 6 are known and are alive because they play an important role in the McAher Plan. But the other 4 are being hunted down, dissected and then exterminated quickly and quietly.

The McAher factories are situated in discreet, isolated places around the world. The main building and the home of the Producer is located on Troy, supposedly a 'prison island.' Hardly anyone has ever seen the Producer, heck no one even knows what gender he is. Only the head scientist and chief of the RP see him and even that is rare.

The scientists of 2112 are busy people. Not only are they constanty trying to find ways to improve the McAher Plan, but they are also noticing something strange.

The sun was growing. Remaking its self.

It was getting bigger and brighter and hotter everyday.

And they also realized that if there was another Supernovan, chances of survival weren't looking too good. This was because of a accidental gene formaula in all 'humans.' It was a gene that made it impossible for you to be sexually attracted to someone. Sure you could 'love' them and hug and kiss etc, but after those 17, and when the first of the McAher 'humans' were introduced, sex was unheard of. You'd ask someone what sex was and they would have no clue at all. So, the McAher factories are now essential to human survival. It they are destroyed, the human race is destroyed. Why wouldn't they just rebuild them? Well, because every 'human' that comes out of the factory needs the 'kiss of life' from 1 of the 6 descendants to come alive.

So if the next Supernovan kills all of the 6,




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