Chapter 2

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I was somewhere between Orsaxs and Morken and I had no idea where my apartment was. I could feel my skin already healing over so I had to figure out something. Fast. I saw Judge say something to his men as they were all staring at me. I smirked. One of them whispered, 'there's no blood sir, what are we going to give the Producer?' I understood what he meant. I hadn't bled in years. I turned back and jogged around the corner. There had to be a gas station around here somewhere.

I spotted a McDonalds down the street and decided that it would have to do. A kid in a stroller screamed as I ran past. I probably did look pretty bad, considering I was still wearing my handcuffs. Better still, I hadn't washed in days and I had holes all in my back and stomach. I was wearing tight jeans, boots and a hoodie. It was my favourite sweater and now it had holes in it. See, I was dressed like this because I wasn't expecting to kill someone or some people that day. I was just casually walking through the park to meet a friend. Then the men had just jumped out of nowhere and recognising them as foreign soldiers, I killed them, but not before a guy stabbed me with a syringe. I made sure his face wouldn't be presented at his funeral. I had then woken up in a cell with a camera and an evil red light staring at me.

In McDonalds, I asked a teenager with 2 intimdating eyebrow piercings behind the counter where the bathroom was. She stared at me, than the holes in my stomach which had almost healed over I noticed. I frantically asked again and she pointed a shaky finger to her left. I nodded a thank you and speed walked to the door, awkwardly locking it behind me. First I had to figure out how to get the handcuffs off. I had been in the same type plenty of times before, so yeah I should be able to get out of these easy.

I twisted my hands around but they budge. I faced the mirror and turned to get a glimpse of the cuffs. They were professional and new, I'd admit that. I leaned against the sink and tried to think. Only Thor could help me now- he was an expert with locks and stuff. But he was in Orsaxs and I wouldn't be able to get to him without being caught again.

I leant against the sink for about 5 minutes trying to figure out a plan. The wounds were healed- it was too late. I would have to poop the bullets out later or wait for them to disintegrate in my stomach. I guess I would have to call Thor, which I hated to do because he would always bring it up later to make it seem like I needed him, which I did. Thor and I had grown up together although I was 1 year older than him. He was one of the many people in my life who taught me to fight and kill. And he was the only person who knows what my ability is. He was my best friend and we did practically everything together. I was teased a lot in school by the girls because I was too much of a 'boy' to them. But Thor was always there to stick up for me. He also saved my life from the men who killed my brother. I guess I owe him.

Pushing my memories back into the locked door they had managed to escape out of, I unlocked the door and walked back to the counter. There was a steady stream of people coming in now, so I tried to act casual with my hands behind my back. Wiping the hair out of my face with my shoulder, I walked to the front of the line and asked the girl if I could use a phone. She didn't hear me. Someone yelled 'get to the back' but I ignored them. 'Hey!' I half shouted. She was mid-way through taking an order when she looked. She didn't say anything so I asked again, 'do you have a phone here I could use? It's urgent.' She simply stared at me. The guy she was serving coughed annoyingly and glanced at his non-existent watch. She smiled apologetically at him, then turned back to me and cleared her throat. 'We only have a phone in the back and it is off limit to customers.' She smiled a half smile and turned back to the irritated customer. I mumbled thanks and decided that I needed to get to that phone. All I needed was Thor to pick up the phone and my location would instantly go on his computer or whatever. I didn't understand or trust technology.

1 of the staff came out of a door. I investigated and saw it was the 'staff only' door and you needed a code to get in. I sighed and leaned against the door and waited for the guy to return. He needed to come back sometime. He did eventually, with his hands full of heavy looking garbage bags. I smiled at him and moved so he could open the door. He smiled back as he punched in the code. He struggled opening the door and the bags fell on the floor. 1 of them actually ripped open and disgusting wrappers and half eaten burgers covered the floor. The guy swore under his breath. Propping the door open with one hand and trying to pick up some of the garbage with the other, I immediately let my 'sympathetic side' take over. I rushed over, around the mess and propped the door open with my foot and my hands still behind my back. He looked up through his straight black hair and said thanks then looked down at my sweater. I pretended not to notice.

After a while he glanced behind him, into the kitchen area. I followed his gaze to the dustpan and broom sitting by the back door. 'This is a lot to ask,' he told me and his thick English accent surprised me, 'I'm new here and I don't want anyone to know I did this,' he said, gesturing to the pile. I nodded, 'I can take a hint,' I said and went through to get the broom. He stuck his foot out to hold the door and turned back to the mess. I smiled to his back and hunted for the phone. It sat on a dirty bench on the other side of the back door. I turned around, facing the sweaty people running around in the kitchen. I leaned against the bench and awkwardly picked up the phone and dialed Thor's number. I leaned down to the speaker and heard it ringing. Thank goodness. 6 rings later I got an answer.

'Hello, Macintoshy's Pizza Place, Derek speaking, how can I help you?'

I hung up, confused how I could get Thor's number confused with Macintoshy's Pizza Place. I dialed his number again and crossed my fingers. He picked up on the first ring. 'Grace, that you?' Man, I missed the sound of his voice.

'Yeah it's me,' I shouted to the receiver. I wasn't even sure if he could hear me. 'Where are you?' He asked, and his voice sounded noticeably less strained.

'McDonalds, please come get me.' I didn't let him answer. I hung up and ducked out the back door. I could have got the broom for the English guy but who am I kidding- I don't have a 'sympathetic side'.

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