Chapter 4

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When I woke up the next morning, the TV was still on and it was raining. I slowly sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes and looked up at the security camera looking down at me. It had been Thor’s idea. He would only allow me to get my own apartment if he could be watching me 24/7. It’s funny how much I let him control me. After my brother died and I couldn’t bear living alone, I was living with him and his Dad. But then it was awkward because Thor would be at work and I would be alone with his Dad who didn’t have a job and he didn’t seem to like me. Or trust me come to think of it.

I smiled to the camera and slowly stood up. Yawning, I walked to the kitchen and chugged down the rest of the orange juice left in the carton. I threw it carelessly in the little box near the door I call a bin and walked into the bathroom. My apartment was extremely small. But it was only me so I didn’t mind; although I admit and I am a bit scared of the dark.It was a perfect square, my apartment, but with walls criss-crossing through it. When you opened the front door you immediately faced the kitchen and a window with a view of the street. To the right was my bedroom and a little wall closet and to the left of the kitchen there was a bathroom and a puny office which I didn’t even use. Thor sometimes stayed in it when he got annoyed with his Dad. The walls were a bright white with streaks of mould where the rain had gotten through or some ones sink had burst a floor above me. The kitchen and bathroom tiles were a definite grey and freezing even in the middle of summer. Everything else was covered in a nice whitish- brownish carpet.

In the bathroom I had a quick cold shower to erase any signs of being in captivity for three days and ran an old brush, who my brother claimed belonged to my Mom, through my dead straight, brown hair. I hadn’t cut it in ages and it almost reached my belly button. I walked back to my room, wrapped in a green towel and changed. I got dressed in front of the camera, in plain sight of Thor but I was over it and sick of changing in the closet. He never brought it up so I didn’t worry.  I think he had some sensor program on the security monitor or whatever, that’s what he told me anyways, but I think he liked looking at me naked. The pervert.

I had thrown on some trackies and a tank and decided to go for a run. The rain was clearing up and all that was left was a grey sky that threatened more rain. Locking the door behind me, I raced down the 4 flights of stairs to the lobby, opened the door and felt a sickening thud vibrate through my hand on the handle. I gasped and braced myself for the poor soul. It was Stu. The guy who lived the floor above and supposedly has had a crush on me ever since I moved in. And he was lying on the floor, holding his head, groaning. ‘Shi...vers!’ I almost yelled when I saw Mrs. Hinks at the desk with her 2 year old looking at me. I smiled at then turned my attention to Stu. There was no blood thank goodness, but I could already see a massive bump forming on his forehead. ‘Stu,’ I said to him going down on my knees next to his face, ‘It’s Grace from 4E, can you hear me?’ At first I thought he was dead, but then his eyes fluttered opened and he attempted a smile. ‘Gracie, I need the kiss of life,’ he said quietly and I snorted. Yeah right. He may be 19 and hot but I was no slut. I stood up and offered him my hand. He took it and I pulled him up as he held his head.

‘I am so sorry, let me get you some ice,’ I said to him.

‘That would be very much obliged,’ he answered as he shook his head trying to clear his vision. I walked him to the elevator and let him lean on my shoulder when he stumbled over. ‘What were you doing flying down the stairs at this time of day?’ He asked as the elevator made its way up to 4. I laughed and answered, ‘I was going for a run and it’s 9. What were you doing? Shouldn’t you be at work by now?’He replied by giving me a look that said ‘are you my mother?’ I laughed again and the elevator dinged, telling us we reached the floor. The doors opened and I walked ahead of him to open my door. He propped himself against the wall as he made his way slowly towards me.

I unlocked the door and opened it for him to go through. He said thanks and walked across to the table and lowered himself into a chair. He watched me as I closed the door and opened the freezer. ‘Grace?’ He asked.

‘Mmmm,’ I answered, preoccupied with finding something frozen to put on his head. ‘Uh, do you, uh,’ he stumbled, and then clearing his throat he continued, ‘uh where were you the past couple of days?’ It obviously wasn’t his original question. ‘Visiting family,’ I lied.

‘Really?’ He asked as I turned around with a Popsicle. No, I killed 13 men, then was put in a cell for 3 days, but then escaped and was shot in the stomach and back several times but I survived because I’m invincible. ‘Yes, really,’ I said. Because I would tell him the truth. ‘Put this on your head,’ I told him, handing him the ice cream. He looked at it for a moment then winced as he put it on his ever growing bump.

‘Thanks,’ he said and right then my phone rang. I picked it up on the 4th ring. ‘Hello?’

‘Hey Grace, I’ll be over in 5.’ It was Thor.

‘No probs,’ I answered and hung up. Stu gave me a questioned look.

‘Thor,’ I said simply and he nodded. He knew what it meant. Anything to do with Thor meant business. Well, according to Stu anyways. Their last run in didn’t go very well. ‘Are you going to be okay?’ I asked, genuinely concerned. I didn’t want to give him brain damage or something. ‘Yeah, but can I keep the Popsicle?’ He asked as he stood up slowly. He wobbled a bit and I held on to his arm to steady him. ‘Yeah sure,’ I answered. I didn’t really care. I held on to his arm and led him to the door. ‘Thanks Grace,’ he said to me. ‘It’s my fault,’ I said to him, ‘I should have been more careful, do you need any help getting to your room?’

‘No I’m sure I’ll survive, if I avoid doors,’ he answered and I laughed.

‘Okay, see ya,’ I said and ducked back into my room.

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