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I'm filled with relief when I see Aya's car slacking as he nears me, tonight has been so horrible. I decided to confront my parents and it turns out that my father - Tebogo, knew about this. "Why did neither of you bother telling me about this?" My voice was raised. "Young lady watch your tone, you don't speak to us like that." My father warned, but I was so angry that my tone was the least of my worries.

"I'll speak however I see fit, the two of you lied to me all these years, why?"
"Somila, your father and I thought it would be best this way." My mother intervened. "Which father are you talking about Nosipho?" My voice was cold, matching the statement I had just made. My mother gave me an unexpected smack, one that made an echo and then rendered silence throughout the house.

My hand immediately flew to my cheek, shielding it from the recent burn. Tlhogi walked through the kitchen door from wherever she had been all day. "What's going on?" she asked, shock evident on her expression. I still had my hand on the hot cheek that my mum had just slapped.

"Why don't you ask your parents... that's if they even are your real parents." I said with bitterness in my tone. "Somila that's enough!" My father's voice came out in a big roar that gave me a jump scare, but I quickly recovered."Tell her! Tell her that you two kept my father from me all these years. Tell her that you aren't my real father, tell her what you failed to tell me."

I'm not mad that I haven't met my biological father in over two decades. Tebogo has always been my dad, always been supportive and understanding in his own way. I've never felt the absence of a father figure... ever. I'm really mad that they didn't tell me. I deserved to know.

"Mum... dad, what is she talking about?" her voice sounded unsure, she looked so confused, so terrified. "Tlhogi... your sister has been worked up for the past week because she recently found out that I'm not her real father." Said the man who raised me, the man I thought I knew.

"Worked up? Dad are you hearing yourself right now? Why didn't you at least tell us? This is a big deal!" My sister's voice was rising as well. I'd never seen her reacting, arguing or shouting at our parents. It looked so strange.

I was grateful that she was on my side on this, that she understood my frustration. "Letlhogonolo who do you think you're talking to?" My father glared at her. "To a pair of liars." I snared and that did it, my mother gave me another smack, this time, so hard that it stung and my entire face felt hot.

"Do you have any idea how many sacrifices I've made for you? You live under my roof, eat the food that this pair of liars buy, you were taken to school by this pair of liars, clothed by this pair of liars and raised by this pair of liars. Do you think your useless father even cares about you? Do you think he cares whether you're alive or dead?"

She pauses, trying and failing to catch her breath, but continues shortly. "He doesn't give a shit about you, he wanted you to be terminated like the piece of rubbish that he is... and by the way - he's known all these years that you're alive but not once has he wanted to meet you. How's that for a father?"

My chest tightened and my voice got caught in my throat. "If you think for a second that you'll talk to us that way again, you think you're all grown up - you're welcome to get the hell out of my house and find your own place, seeing that you're a woman now... We can't have two grown ass women living under one roof." My mother continued and tears threatened my eyes.

I couldn't believe she just said all those horrible things to me about my biological father, then basically kicked me out of her house. "Don't worry... I'll be out of your house by the end of this week." I replied with no emotion, as I left the kitchen and retreated to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

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