Is this a good idea?

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As soon as Ember arrived home she was assaulted by Nova in a barrage of kisses and touching she managed to get a single question out, "what's going on?" She asked.

Nova stopped after that softly holding her dearest girlfriend in her arms. "I just wanted to welcome you home." She pulled the girl away from her chest and she looked into her eyes. The two stayed like that for a long time Ember feeling her mind start to slip just looking into those wonderful brown eyes. Nova could feel the girl slipping in her stong hands. She leaned in kissing her forehead, "sleep." Was the only word she spoke and Ember went limp. The taller one picked her up laying her down gently on the couch.

"Ember dear can you hear me?" She asked knowing full well that Ember could in fact hear her but she wanted to hear that monotoned response sure loved so much.

"Yes mistress I can hear you" the small redhead chimed back in her normal voice just a little bit more automatic and less diversity to it. The whole Mistress thing was something new Nova was trying and boy oh boy did it turn her on just hearing those words.

"Ember answer this question truthfully... would you like to bring other people into our bedroom from time to time to enhance our fun?" She asked. She knew the answer was no considering what she had said last time she asked but after a week or two of thinking about it maybe it changed.

Ember shuffled in her trance obviously bothered by the question, "I dont know about it mistress... I trust you but I don't want to feel jealous or have someone come between us. I love you so much and I dont wanna mess something up." On the couch Nova noticed the girl seemed to be curling up and her eyes were watery. She really was upset by this, so Nova decided to comfort her and maybe change her thinking a little.

The darker skinned woman placed a hand on her girlfriends shoulder, "Ember my darling nothing would ever take me away from you. I would never ever bring a preditor into our bed... their purpose would be to please you and me that is all. You are my everything and I would abandon everything if it meant I could be with you." She said. All was true in her words. The woman would die for her little redheaded girlfriend.

"But Nova.. how would they please us? We can just do it ourselves? Am I not enough?" The small girl was suffering from an anxiety attack but thankfully in her trance it was toned down to just racing thoughts rather than the physical side effects. Nova pulled her into her lap cradling her like a small child.

"I love you Ember and you will always be enough for me... I just think it would be hot. I will give you two options now and I want your mind fully aware and able to process it. You can either choose to allow me to mold your mind a little. You wont feel jealous about this idea and you will find it incredibly hot. Your other option is for me to erase the anxiety about it because we will not be doing it. Which do you prefer my sweet?" She asked softly gently rocking the smaller girl in her arms.

Ember was quiet for over five minutes making Nova nervous that she had put to much stress on the girl. But after that time had passed of gentle cuddling Ember spoke her answer.

"I trust you Nova.. and I want you to mold my mind. I want to be everything I can for you... and you should make me even more yours." She said softly. Her body was relaxed and her decision was sound.

"Alright my sweet rabbit I will do as you say... I need you to go deeper for me and make your mind even more open to change." Nova spun her words in the expert way she does sending the girl deeper and giving her some new suggestions that would accomplish her goals.

//and end of this chapter. I know two chapters in two days it must be your birthday. But no I'm just in the mood to write these past two days so... enjoy! And as always leave me feed back.

My Roommate Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now