Chapter 4- The Unexplainable Dream

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After a month of practicing of fly and controlling our powers finally ended but now, we have other problem. Every time we fall asleep, we go to a weird dream where a tall, yet beautiful young woman and she was wearing a long white dress with a bright, golden crown. To go into detail about her dress, well at the top is sleeveless but with bright white crystals, and the dress even show off her curves. Her face though was something you can't put into detail, but she has a face that literally fit anything like even mess up glasses. Her hair was different. Her hair was pure gold, but it felt super soft. Our problem now is, why all three of us is having the same dream? I thought that would be impossible! Yeah, saying the girl who was wings and power. All of three decided to let the dream happen and see what's in the dream. To be honest, if we can choose our dreams then I can tell you that our dream was going to be totally different but, of course, we can't choose our dreams.

When we were going to bed, we set up our cameras using our magic and yes, we can fall asleep with our magic working. We set up in front of our bed then went to bed. A few minutes later, all of three us, we were back in the dream as before, but everything was white which was hurting our eyes. We made our eyes turn it into our house which now is not hurting our eyes.

We looked back us and, of course, there she was, the lady I was talking about. We looked at her and waited for her to talk, she said "Hello Mae, Ali, and Ember. I was once a queen on a land different from your earth, but three people from both Earth looks the same and with their personality the same. These three girls were my personal guards, but I treated them like children which was my mistake. Their names were Madelyn, Aaliyah, and Emmalyn. Madelyn is shy, strong both mentally and physically, very understanding, and was my head guard. Madelyn has the power to see into the future and was able to change her eye color so she can use her powers. Aaliyah was serious, understood very situation, but her weakness was cute things, and she was second head guard. Aaliyah had the powers to teleport place to place and was able to separate her body for attacking or multi-tasking. Emmalyn was goofball, loves to help instead of staying in one place, and was my support system during my challenging time being a queen, and she was third head guard. Emmalyn had the power to change her skin and hair to the weather or whatever she wanted. I can tell right away that you have those same traits. My kingdom was peaceful and happy until huge demon come to our land and destroyed everything including my people. I decided to let my three head guard change into three small rings that we fit anybody's finger. If your rings in possession by those demons, your world will be destroyed. Luckily, we found three girls who had the same traits as my three head guards." The way she talks was so beautiful and her voice was so calm. When she was talking, little flashes come to my head, looking like her old kingdom.

I looked at her and asked "So, your saying that your guards, that was human at one point, turned into rings? And that your guards still had memories of your kingdom?" I wanted to know if I'm right or it's something else. She said "Yes, my guards were humans, but they had angel wings. After we left my kingdom, I had to make sure that my guards can show you, their memories, and even talk to you. Right now, my time is up but I will show up in a time of need."

After that, she disappears, then showed us her kingdom and even show us, her three head guards. She showed their personalities and what they what each of them did in the kingdom. She even showed us her kingdom falling because of those huge demons, and show us, her turning her guards into rings and going somewhere else. We woke up but couldn't get out of bed. After everything she showed us, we couldn't understand anything because our Earth's people don't believe in those demons or even angels. While another Earth had true myths in their everyday lives, thinking what it would be like we didn't have living myths. Then I remembered, we have the exact the same face, personality, and well everything but our memories are completely different.

.  .  .

The girls were getting dress I wear my flip-flop with my black flare pants, along with a black crop top hoodie. I got up, walked to the living room, and sat down. I texted Ali and Ember to come downstairs. The teacher opens the door and ask with confusion and said "Where did you, Ali, and Ember go?! We thought that you guys, just left the campgrounds!"

I looked at her and explained our situation but tried to explain it without her trying to question things. After I explained everything to my teacher, she looks like she has so many questions but doesn't know how to put it into words. I told her "Please don't ask any questions, to be honest, we don't know ourselves if it's true or not. So right now, if it's okay, we want to explore this before it can hurt or kill anybody."

"That's fine but keep me update with that your dream of yours and your rings. I want to make sure everybody on this campground to be completely safe.," she replied with concerned face.

I simply say "Yes." After that, I waked upstairs to keep practicing but a different kind of practice. I walked to Ali's room and saw her with clothes on but staring at the roof.

Ali knows I'm in the room because of creaking door so all she said was "I knew something was different in our rings, but I could never place my finger on it until now. Thanks to that dream we had, we can literally understand and control our power."

I just looked at her, but she was right about that last part, we can talk to them and they can teach our power properly. I said to her with a serious voice, "You're right! But since we know everything about these rings, I think it's time to practice once again."

Ali stands up from her bed and walked up to me, asking "What do you mean? I thought we were done with our practice!"

"We are done but I mean a different kind of practice" I said but she stared me, confused. I did a wave to let her know to let her follow me.

We went to Ember's room but this time she was sitting in her chair, mumbling to herself. She said, still looking down, "I heard you talking to the teacher and Ali but Mae, I'm still confused on our situation."

"You should be confused on our situation, mostly because I didn't tell both of you how we can fix our situation." I said to her. I said to both, Ali, and Ember, to follow me.

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