CHAPTER 5 Fear or Fight, Hope or Doom

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Kevin Cash's face was on a giant tv screen in a small, windowless office surrounded by dark woodened panels and white tiled floors, "So, you see that's how it had t'go down, as enny fool can plainly see we had no choice with the evidence that bitch wife on Bottini's surfaced somehow. Now, I truly am sorry we had t'do this, but recognize this here is nothing personal, just purely business. We do appreciate what you all did for us Alan. This is why I called y'all, t'give you a chance t'make peace." Kevin Cash said and then disconnected the call. Doctor Alan Lee was white as a ghost, his office door opened and in walked two men, both wearing white lab coats, one had short brown spiky hair, brown eyes, a goatee and an average build, appearing in his early thirties. The other person looked to be in his sixties, with wavy short dark-brown hair and eyes to match, a well-trimmed beard, and a slimmer build.

"Are you OK, Doctor Lee?" the younger man spoke as the older one rushed to Lee's side.

"Alan... I told you Matthew to call me Alan." He said with a slight smirk.

Doctor Lee put his other hand up for the older man to stop examining him, "Doctor Dōnas I am fine!"

"But you look pale." Dōnas said, his brows furrowed in concern.

"Both of you sit down, I need to tell you something and then you must pass this information to the other labs on Pandora." Doctor Lee said; the two men went immediately for a chair in front of Doctor's desk. "What I am about to saying isn't easy." he took a deep breath as his eyes started to water, Matthew and Dōnas looked at each other worried and then back to Lee. "I just received a call from the head of the UGE, the public found out about what was going on here."

"How?" Matthew said in disbelief.

"It turns out one of the staff members was an undercover Private Investigator hired by Mrs. Bottini, and I am sure if we look in one of the Dragyena cells we may find his remains. Anyways, it was a massive public outcry and the governments denied any knowledge to what we are doing here." Doctor Lee told them as he rubbed his palms on his face.

"That can't be!" Matthew shouted as he quickly leaned forward.

"How can they deny this? I mean when we get back somebody is going to tell and they know this! You can't keep the truth a secret!" Dōnas said irritated.

"We are not going back... nobody on Pandora is." Doctor Lee said eerily.

"They can't just leave us here!" Dōnas said, his voice cracking.

"We are not that lucky." Doctor Lee told him and then looked up at the ceiling.

"Oh my God! You have to be kidding me!" Matthew said realizing where things were headed.

"They are going to kill us, aren't they?" Doctor Dōnas asked, but knowing the answer.

Doctor Lee looked back down at them, "There was a huge media ordeal were the United States President claimed he ordered us to stop and exterminate our Pandorians, but we wrote a letter of refusal."

Doctor Dōnas put his index finger up, "We all know we could never take a life and yes, I will say that we would send a refusal letter, however, nobody here sent one."

"Doctor Dōnas, I'm going to alert the other labs, you inform those who're here." Matthew quickly said as he stood up and raced out of the office door.

Dōnas turned back to Doctor Lee, "What're we going to do? And how long do we have till he orders the soldiers here to kill us?"

"They are in the same boat as us."

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