CHAPTER 7 Treason

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3,666Pandora years later (seven Pandorian generations)— flashes of light could be seenthrough the remanence of a medieval stone building, its walls mostly crumbledthrough time and war. Inside was a broken golden image of the Earth on ashattered and dirty marble floor, a foot crushed the image and the remainingletters 'UGE' was turned to dust. Sounds of fighting filled Pandora's sky,painting it red. The area was littered with burning barrels used for crudeprotection against weapon fire. The middle of the lobby was lined with sandbagsand varies trash to form a barrier, where a small unit of people stood dressed inall-black bodysuits: the standard uniform for Pandorian military personnel.Batorine, the seventh King, was among them, and looked like he was in his earlytwenties. He stood eight and a half feet tall, with tan skin, greenishprehistoric-looking eyes, blackish-brown hair that hung past his shoulders. Inthe trench, he was surrounded by several people. There was Lynn, a short, blonde Earthling that always wore pigtails and carried a smile on her face, which led others on her team to wonder if she was mentally ill. Batorine would stand up for her, saying she brought him a smile every day. Lynn was Batorine's closest friend, with the exception of Phystlock (another Pandorian), and the first Earthling he ever trusted. Like all humans, she was relatively smaller then Pandorians, who stood two to three feet higher; the closest in Lynn's height was Kris. Kris was a pudgy Earthling with brown hair that hung in a mess down his face and along the sides of his head; he always looked angry all the time, a look he shared with Koga. Koga took things very serious and always wore his old-fashioned straight sword with a wooden handle. Koga himself was a Zaiyarian male from the planet Zaiyan, taller than Kris and Lynn, but relatively short compared to the others. Two more from his planet, Issakar and Conq, stood close by. With their uniforms they wore white gloves and boots, and identical swords kept in black sheaths on their .

Nyst looked over the trench, his blue cat-like eyes scanning the area; his facial features were mostly covered up by the bangs of his dyed dark brown hair. Alongside him was Phystlock, almost similar in height; her athletic build gave her the illusion of being taller then she actually was, and her purple pupils matched her straight, shoulder-length hair, which stood out against her ebony skin. She wore a metallic gauntlet on her left hand that focused her energy into a more concentrated form. Protruding from Phystlock's lower spine was a long, brown tail that, at times, she would flick back and forth.

"We're cornered. Support can't get to us, and I'm afraid at this rate we'll soon be overtaken," said Dementura, a female shorter then Phystlock, with long, unkempt white hair; she looked of Asian descent, and her uniform covered her from the neck down. There was a dagger fastened to her right thigh that she would reach for instinctively whenever she was in danger. She dropped to the ground, clutching with her black gloved hands her rifle-like weapon, known as an AZ II.

Batorine stared at her for a moment. "Get up,"

"Cease fire!" said Slicer, a very taller, muscular and handsome man; furry lion-like ears stuck out from his long, well-kept dirty blonde hair. The man looked like a god or fashion model with his straightened and powerful posture. When he spoke his voice was deep and confident, which made people listen.

"I'm enacting the Throne Fair Combat Act! Do you accept?" Batorine asked from his place of safety, which made Slicer's ears perk up.

"But this is fair combat, my team versus yours!" Slicer's blue feline eyes widened as Batorine suddenly stood up with his hands raised and leapt over the barrier and started walking to him.

Dementura tried to reach for him. "He's nuts going out there after him, he's not thinking things through, again!" she yelled.

"True, but unfortunately, I've changed the rules by openly challenging just you," Batorine said smugly while Slicer gritted his teeth. His face turned red like he was about to explode, and then suddenly, a smirk grew across his face.

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