CHAPTER 6 Choice of Dawn

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The Survivors met in the partially demolished Visitor Center on Inizio Island. They stared at a paper map of the planet on a table, Mrs. Nelson spoke first, "Even though some Pandorians are wishing to live in the wilderness, we still need to form boundaries and make plans for cities and towns. On Earth, you can just knock down some trees and start building, but the problem we have here is technically the wildlife are going to be other Pandorians. We need a form of population control."

"Like stereelizationg?" inquired in broken English and a thick Chinese accent was a short, elderly Asian gentleman; he had no hair except around the back and side of his head with black, slightly arched eyebrows. He wore silver glasses, with one lens cracked on the left side from the battle.

"No, Mr. Bangxin." Something not as laby." She replied, "Any ideas?"

A woman in her early thirties, with dark skin, long curly hair and torn black shirt and jeans, stepped forward; the Pandorians stepped out of her way, "I suggest a tax if offspring starts to become too numerous, this money can help build bigger homes or make others think twice before carelessly breeding." Doctor Lisa Jones proposed; Mrs. Nelson looked at her and nodded with a smile.

"An excellent idea, Mutter Bär!" Mrs. Nelson clapped her hands in delight and approval, "It would prove troublesome for us if we had to expand and tear down somebody's forest home to do so because of population boom."

"Me would also suggest we beeld a breedge that connects Inizio Eeland to the mainglands; eet's about 525 miles on each seed to the coast, but me thingk eef we put our best foot forward we can accomplish eet." Mr. Bangxin added with a smug look on his face.

"I'm with Mr. Bangxin on this, I've seen what his country has done with bridges." said a middle-aged man, with barely any hair, except for the gray spots scattered about his scalp, he had narrow brown eyes and a pointed, thin nose.

"Thangk you, me weell gladly take your help. Seence this breedge weell join the eeland and the conteenent together let's call eet Jiārù Breedge." Bangxin said with a slight bow.

"Hold on." Bon Coeur told them as he raised his hand up, "Yes, while I do agree with the bridge idea, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We need to figure out a lot and we need these huamns to teach us everything they know."

"Where do you want to start?" Neta asked while scratching his head.

"I really think we need to get organized and break off into teams so each task of forming our own civilization will be less strenuous." Bon Coeur told him, his face beaming with excitement.

"Couldn't be more correct, and for that we need a leader and I say you, the Alpha of the Batorines, is perfect for our King!" Neta said quickly, not stopping for breath to get his idea out without interruption or protest. Bon Coeur was stunned, he looked over at him and saw a toothy ear-to-ear grin; he went to shake his head no, but was overwhelmed by the cheers and agreements of the others. He stepped back and paused, eyeing the faces of everyone staring directly at him with approving smiles and took a deep breath, as if to signify his defeat in any self-objection.

"Fine," he sighed, "But I'm not doing this alone," his eyes shifted to his right side, "I elect Neta and his entire bloodline as Prince, to help me rule!" he spouted out, smug in almost a revenge-type tone.

"You sneaky sod." Neta jested with a chuckled.

"I have an idea about something." A middle-aged, pale, tall, slender male with dark short hair, pushed his black-framed glasses higher on his nose; his tattered lab coat hung over his left shoulder.

"Yes, Doctor Dale?" Neta said curiously.

"I think we should do something symbolic with the Alpha leaders, this I believe will help with our fresh start here."

"What do you have in mind?" Neta's ears perked in interest.

"You all should take on the name of your species as a permanent name and when your offspring come of age to lead they should take over the name." Dale suggested.

"But why?" Lisa asked very confused.

"Easy, I believe by the Alphas adopting the name of their kind it will psychologically free them for the better. So, Bon Coeur you would be known as Batorine and when you reach the age you wish to retire you can pass your crown to your oldest child and they will take over your name, while you retire to your birth name and so the others would do like-wise." Dale explained.

"I see! Let me get this straight, I would not be known as Neta, but as Prince Liges, today!" he said with a hint of pride, "I like it Bon... I mean King Batorine. It does feel liberating."

"I see what you mean Doctor, and if Net..." the new king snickered, "I mean Prince Liges feels this is right then I.... KING BATORINE, AGREE!" he said while purposely dramatizing his title and laughing joyfully.

"Next order of business?" Mutter Bär asked, although her pitch made it more sound like an order.

"I think you should give territories for the other Alphas to govern over, they still answer to you and if you want, the Prince can manage them. This way the weight doesn't fall so heavily on one pair of shoulders." Mrs. Nelson suggested.

"Yes, splitting up the work load would help and they can supervise the construction being done in their realm." Liges said.

"I just ask one thing," Mrs. Nelson said, "since I have decided to stay here."

"What's that?" Batorine asked.

"Name three towns after Jack Brown, Set Showstak and Andrew Bottini."

"Who are they?" Mutter Bär was perplexed at the names, never hearing them before.

"They are the ones who found this planet and where killed for being against it used for war and weapons. Francene made sure Earth will not forget them and I want them remembered here." Kate Nelson told them while she ran the chain of her dog tags along her thumb and pointer finger as she fought the tears from falling.

"All right then, you have it." Batorine told her.

The years went by and Lisa Jones watched and recorded in her diary as the humans and Pandorians grew closer and closer as they built and modernized their new world. They became like family, and like any family they didn't always see eye-to-eye, but in the end would make up and come back to the preverbal table. Time catches up with all and the humans grew old and started to pass away. The last person left alive was Lisa Jones, the one called Mutter Bär; she said it best on her deathbed as Pandora gathered around, "We are born and we die, but somewhere along the way you create life... your mark... your legacy... I have had the joy of creating life twice... once on Earth, my kids, who I'll never forget and the second, on this world. I have no regrets as I leave... good luck and take care of each other, my children." Her diary entry is kept in the Royal Museum on the island where it all began.

One thousand and five hundred years had passed since that time and Pandora soon joined the rest of the advanced universe community. They exported minerals, goods and machinery to other solar systems, but still stayed away and held on to a deep seeded mistrust of Earth and its' people. Sometime later an envoi was sent to the castle of King Batorine on Inizio Island, with a proposal to have his planet join the United Galactic Union. Pandora's entry into the United Galactic Union meant not only was it considered a civilized world, but one of superior skill and culture; it would be the greatest accomplishment and honor for those Earthlings and Pandorians who gave their lives long ago. The UGU is an intergalactic governing body, whose mission is to form peace by unity, through one authority over all. The UGU consists of leaders from different advanced planets in the Milky Way. All members within the Union follow strict rules for the insurance of tranquility and safety. The incentive to joining is protection from galactic danger and with the approval of the Union President, even support for natural disasters. The Union possesses its own voluntary military, which help enforce the UGU laws, but that is another story for another time; for now Pandora enjoyed thousands of centuries of peace on their world and in the stars... it truly was a better world.

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