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So one of my not fully formed ideas are these little creatures called hoodlings.

They are little ghost-like oily black creatures, with coats, and pointed, well..hoods.

Their coats have colorful designs and they carry light sources, they have two little light dots for eyes that glow at night, very brightly btw.

This is a example

Yeah, he's small, sorry about that

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Yeah, he's small, sorry about that. I made it in Ms paint, I don't got any fancy art programs but I got this! (I'm getting better btw) But their (Yes their, hoodling techically have no gender.) name is Zebra, they are a striped hoodling.

you might ask what is a striped hoodling?

Well, thats  just a variant, there is many more, which I will talk about.

(~Striped Hoodling~)

Mainly small, it's very rare to see a tall one, and they aren't even that tall though. Their coats are well, striped and at the end on their pointed hoods their is a small sphere full with a glowing liquid subtance. They hold a black iron stick with a chain to another small glowing sphere. 

(~Lantern Hoodling~)

They are pretty tall, not taller than a human but taller than the average hoodling. The pointed hood has a soft zig-zag sort of shape with a well- lantern on the end of the tip of the hood. They either have any shade of blue or purple  with stripe at the botton of the coat and sleeves. the hood has its own design. The rest of the coat is black.

(~Fire Hoodling~)

They are about the same height as a lantern hoodling. They hold a torch made of iron. Their coat's colors are warm colors (Red, Yellow, Orange for those who don't know) and have a stripe with triangles and the end of the coat and sleeves and end of the pointed hood, the hood is either curled up or down. instead of white eyes, they have orange ones.

(~Lizard Hoodling~)

Lizard Hoodlings are very small, Their coats don't have any arm holes and the coat trails to the ground, the design are lines on the back, that glow. The stripes can glow  different colors. Their pointed hood is pretty long, it also goes down to the floor and has the stripes.

(~Chain hoodlings~) 

Chain hoodlings are slightly taller than lizard hoodlings. Their colors are mainly cold colors (Blue, Purple and Green, if you didn't know.) With just one stripe in the middle. Their hood is pretty short  but at the end there is a chain that connects to a old vintage oil lamp, with a blue or purple flame.

 Their hood is pretty short  but at the end there is a chain that connects to a old vintage oil lamp, with a blue or purple flame

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Something like this.)

(~Basket Hoodlings.~)

Pcoket hoodlings well, have a Basket they hold. This basket holds a glowing sphere, or passibly multiple. Their  colors are strictly primary (Yellow, Blue, Red, duh.) and their hood goes tp the ground.

Random stuff, Ig.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin