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Chapter. 1

"WHAT IN THE world is on your face?" Estelle asked the moment Penelope entered the Horned serpent common room. Though she sounded more amused than confused.

Penelope wiggled her eyebrows at the girl as she sat next to her on the couch. Her pale face was covered in vibrant purple paint and glitter. It dripped steadily down her neck staining her blue and cranberry colored robes.

"My latest prank." Penelope smirked.

Estelle scoffed and shook her head. Of course it was another prank, what else would it be? Ever since Penelope arrived at Ilvermorny two years ago all she'd been about was pranks and jokes. Estelle honestly had no clue how she hadn't been thrown out yet.

Running a hand through her long ginger hair, Penelope's brown eyes glanced at her friend. She was a tall, thin girl with neat black hair and soft grey eyes.

She looked slightly disappointed at Penelope's antics but Penelope just shrugged and looked around the room. It was fairly empty save for a group of four studying in the far corner. They all snickered at Penelope's appearance but she merely smiled in return.

It wasn't anything new.

Penelope had always been a troublemaker. She loved to goof off during school hours and took every opportunity she could to make her peers laugh. Whether it was through a well placed joke or outright causing chaos in the middle of class. She just couldn't help herself, she loved to make people laugh.

You could say she was the school wide class clown and she prided herself on the title.

"You look ridiculous." Estelle said as she returned to the book she had been reading.

"Why, thank you." Penelope smiled. "What are you reading?"

Estelle quirked an eyebrow at Penelope's question surprised she was interested in her book. Though she guessed it wasn't that surprising, despite rarely paying attention in her classes Penelope still managed to get fairly good grades.

"Les miserables." Estelle stated. "It's about a man who--"

"So it's some nerdy french book?" Penelope interrupted.

Estelle frowned and closed the book.

"It's not nerdy, it's beautiful!"

"Beautifully nerdy..." Penelope muttered glancing around the room again.

"Oh, shut it, Penelope."

Estelle's eyes narrowed as she noticed Penelope looking around. She seemed a little nervous, fiddling with her hands in her lap.

"Pen, are you okay?"


A shrill voice cut Estelle off and startled everyone. A tall spindly looking woman with piercing blue eyes and a prominent snarl marched into the common room.

Estelle sighed, now understanding the situation. When it came to Penelope's pranks no one was safe, student or teacher. And if there was anyone she loved to prank above all others it was her Charms teacher, Ms. Monique Tuffet.

Red faced and seething, Ms. Tuffet stomped over to Penelope with a look of pure frustration. She was covered in the same glittery purple paint as Penelope, it wasn't hard to figure out what had happened.

Penelope tried to muffle her laughter with her hands which were also coated in the paint.

She had spent all night working on her latest prank in her dormitory; sensory activated paint bombs. She made sure to get up hours before her roommates so she could sneak out and execute her plan.

Planting the bombs in Ms. Tuffet's office.

It had taken almost an hour to set up, even with magic, and unfortunately Penelope didn't manage to escape some of the explosion. But it was more than worth it when she saw the look on her teacher's face.

"Good afternoon, Tuffie." Penelope smirked.

The other students all looked up from their books and conversations to see Tuffets enraged face. Fortunately, Penelope scurrying about causing a loud commotion wasn't anything new so they didn't bother to stare long.

"I can not believe you. Of all the idiotic, disrespectful, reprehensible things you could do!" Penelope tried her best to hide her smile. She was failing miserably.

"Ms. Taylors, this is the seventh time this month that you've set up one of your-- your ridiculous pranks in my office." Tuffet growled.

"I swear if this does not stop, I will have no choice but to have you expelled!"

Penelope scoffed, in the two years that she had been attending Ilvermorny Ms. Tuffet had used that threat on her a million times. But not once had she ever followed through.

Sure, Penelope knew she could be a bit of a handful at times and her pranks sometimes got a little messy but she never meant anyone any actual harm. That was why Tuffet never punished her beyond a few detentions for them.

"Oh, come on, Professor. You know that was hilarious!" Penelope folded her arms with a smile. "I mean look at you! You look--"

"Unprofessional!" Tuffet interrupted. "Penelope, I know you may not have many friends here but I believe it's time you try making some because I can not stand for this any longer."

She supposed Tuffet was right, she didn't have many friends outside of Hana Travers and Estelle Lichfield.

Sure, the other students here liked her enough to laugh at all her jokes and pranks, but it never went beyond that for fear of Penelope getting them into trouble.

That was probably why Estelle was ignoring her in the presence of Ms. Tuffet, turned away with her face buried within her book.

Penelope frowned.

She had always felt different from the other girls at Ilvermorny. They were all beautiful and smart with the grace of ballerinas while Penelope was nothing more than an average looking clutz. She had no clue how she had even been accepted into the school.

The only things Penelope ever found special about herself were her pranking skills and her long ginger hair.

"I have friends..." Penelope muttered under her breath, eyes flickering over at Estelle.

"Everyone, go to your rooms, now." Tuffet ordered Estelle and the students in the corner.

They each scrambled to their feet and quickly made their way upstairs to their dorms. Estelle hesitated for a moment, looking back at Penelope before leaving.

Ms. Tuffet sighed and began pacing across the room.

"Ms. Taylors, there is to be a very important group of students from the south visiting Ilvermorny tommorow morning, and shall be attending classes here for a month." She glanced at Penelope. "If I find out that you have played a single prank on any of them or anywhere near them, I will have no choice but to follow through on your expulsion."

"Please Miss, you don't have to threaten me..." Penelope grumbled.

"It's not a threat, Ms. Taylors." Tuffet corrected her as she turned to exit the common room. "It's a promise."

Penelope sat frozen in her common room. There was no way she was actually going to expell her right?

Penelope could promise all she wanted to herself that she wouldn't play a single prank next week but she'd be lying. What could she say, she's only twelve, not doing the one thing she loved more than anything for an entire month was like asking her to live without breathing.

It just wasn't possible.

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