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Chapter. 2

"I CAN'T BELIEVE this!" Penelope groaned. "I have to go an entire month without pranking!?"

It had only been an hour since her conversation with Ms. Tuffet and she was already panicking. The longest Penelope had ever gone without pranking someone was a few days. A week at the most.

She was currently pacing back and forth across her room while fiddling with her wand. She casted a few minor firework spells, hoping it would keep her occupied. The red and blue sparks bursted throughout the room and bounced off the windows and ceiling.

Estelle watched Penelope move around their shared room with an annoyed yet concerned expression.

"Pen, you're going to set fire to something."

Penelope scoffed and turned her head to Estelle.

"Please, El, I'm not that reckless--"


A stray spark from the fireworks landed on one of the many textbooks Estelle had sprawled across her bed. She quickly patted them down her pillow to put out the flame and gave Penelope an agitated glare.

"...it was only on fire a little bit. You can still use it." Penelope said after a long pause.

Estelle didn't budge.

"Wand." She demanded.

"What! But I--"


Penelope smacked her lips as she reluctantly handed her wand over to Estelle. Estelle was only a year older than Penelope but she always seemed much older in comparison. Especially when it came to situations like this.

"Great!" Penelope cried. "First my pranks were taken away and now my wand. Why don't you just cut off all my hair while you're at it!"

"Don't tempt me." Estelle laughed. "You know Hana and I have been dying to give you a hair cut."

"It's not even that long." The ginger argued.

"Penelope, it's almost down to your waist!"

"Whatever... Where is Hana anyways?"

"Probably off charming the boys or something." Estelle rolled her eyes.

Hana was already more than beautiful with her pretty brown skin, curly black hair and soft green eyes. She didn't find it fair that she was also a veela, it definitely made being her friend difficult when all the boys were immediately attracted to her.

Estelle pouted just thinking about it.

"I don't see what's the big deal with you two and boys..." Penelope laughed. "As far as I can tell the ones here all suck."

"You'll understand when you're older." Estelle waved her off.

"I'm only a year younger than you!"

"What is going on in here?" Hana asked as she poked her head inside the room.

Penelope smiled fondly at the beautiful girl while Estelle shook her head.

"Nothing, nothing." Estelle insisted. "So, where have you been?"

"Flirting with another boy, I presume." Penelope snickered.

Estelle laughed along with Penelope. Hana glared playfully at the redhead with a smile.

"For your information, I was catching up on my studies." She informed the two.

"Yeah," Estelle muttered, "in the arms of some handsome fifth year."

"Oh, hush you." Hana smiled and flicked Estelle on the knee.

Hana gracefully flopped down on the bed beside Estelle's and sighed. She really had been studying, for the past few days she'd been going over all the spells and hexes she knew in preparation for an upcoming Charms test. She was planning on obtaining a scholarly class internship in the near future and she knew her grades needed to be more than excellent to make that happen.

But that didn't mean it was easy.

She hadn't slept in days in favor of studying and it was starting to show a bit. Their were dark circles forming under her eyes that she'd do her absolute best to cover up with makeup and her movements were becoming slower in her tired state.

Being the beautiful veela she was Hana doubted anyone would really notice her exhaustion as long as she put on a pretty smile. So she had no problem continuing her studies until she accompanied her goal, she was determined to prove that she was more than just her looks.

"So," Hana said, "i heard about what happened in the common room today."

"What, how!?" Penelope exclaimed.

"Ana Bowers." Hana smirked.

Penelope groaned in response.

"That girls gotta be just about the nosiest girl in our house." Estelle laughed.

"Apparently, she was eavesdropping on you and Ms. Tuffet's conversation and has been spreading the news all throughout our house." Said Hana.

"I'm going to kill her." Penelope growled as she stood up, ready to head for the door.

"Like hell," Estelle scoffed, "That's basically just another way to get yourself expelled."

Penelope plopped back down on the bed.

"I think it might be best for you to try getting a hobby." Hana suggested. "Something to keep you occupied. For the next month, at least."

"Like what?" Penelope asked.

Their was a pause before Hana spoke again. "I don't know... What do you like to do in your free time?"

"...Prank." Penelope shrugged.

"Besides that, Penelope." Estelle huffed.

"I don't really do anything else!" Penelope confessed. "Pranking has always been my thing, it's one of the only things I'm good at. I never really bothered to do much else."

Estelle shook her head. "That's kinda sad."

"Well, we're going to have to find something for you to do." Hana pondered. "How about baking or gardening?"

Penelope made a face. "What? No."

"What about experimenting with potions." Estelle suggested

"Sorry, it just doesn't sound nearly as fun as buttering the common room floors and waiting for my unsuspecting victims." Penelope sighed.

"You're hopeless." Estelle grumbled.

"We'll find something." Hana assured them. "But whatever it is, i think it would be beat if it did not involve magic."

"Oh, come on!" Penelope squawked.

"Hana's right, it's too tempting. You might try and blow something up or something-- make some weird new pranking invention without even realizing it." Estelle pointed out.

"Alright, fine." Penelope sighed. "We can start tomorrow, I guess."

Estelle and Hana nodded.

They all then changed into their pajamas and laid in their beds. Hana and Penelope had both turned out the lights on their nightstands but Estelle kept hers on, wanting to finish her book before bed.

"Hana, Estelle?" Penelope whispered through the silence of their room. "Thank you."

"Of course, Penelope. We're here for you." Hana smiled.

Estelle didn't respond or take her eyes off of her book but the smile on her face said enough.

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