Q and A: Answers

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Hey guys! Sorry i didn't have this up sooner. My wifi cut out so I wasn't able to update or do anything until it came back on. Anyhoo on with the show!


What dream date would you take (Y/N) on?

Senri: "First I would take her shopping to any store she wished, ending on a high end boutique where we would both get formal attire. Afterwards I would rent out a five star restaurant and take her to dinner. Before you ask me why I'd rent it out, I'd do it because I don't want my dear (Y/N) to look at anyone else except me. During our meal, I would have a violinist come out and play her favorite song as we ate. For dessert I would have three different small cakes brought out, each one having a piece of jewelry on it for her to choose which one she would prefer. I'd treat her like the Queen she is and ensure that nothing ruined our perfect evening."

March: "Well, I'm not as over the top as some people (glares at Senri), but I think something more sentimental would be better. Since I met (Y/N) at a playground when we were kids, I'd want to take her back to one. I'd have set up fairy lights in advance before we got there so they'd be on for us. I'd take her late at night so the lights would twinkle around us as I turn on a song Jackson helped me compose for her. We'd dance under the lights and talk about everything we could. I know I'm not overly good at expressing my emotions at times, but she's everything to me and I want to show her how much I care by giving her a beautiful memory."  

Riki: "If I could take (Y/N) anywhere for a date I'd probably want to take her to a musical. I know it probably sounds stupid, but I love musicals a lot and I want to share that with her. If she wanted to stay in for the night, then I'd want to have a movie marathon with her. I'd do anything she wanted if it meant I could be with her and see her beautiful smile shine a light into my dark life. She lights up the world wherever she goes and I love that about her. So to answer your question, although those are my ideal date ideas, I would do whatever her heart desired if it meant seeing that breathtaking smile." 

Jackson: "Unlike Romeo over there (gestures to Riki) I actually have a date all planned out. I'd take her out shopping and get her anything she wanted, then we'd go out for a drive and talk for a while before I'd put in a CD full of songs and instrumental pieces I've made for her. When a new one would come on, I'd explain how it made me think of her and why I wrote it the way I did. I really want her to know how special she is to me and I feel like I can express my love to her better through music. When we get home I want to lay on my bed and hold her close to me, like we're in our own private world." 

Bex: "I want to take (Y/N) to an amusement park! I think it'd be really fun for both of us. I love seeing her happy and I love making her happy even more, so I'd make sure everything was perfect for her. I'd take her on every ride she wanted to go on as many times as she wanted. I'd win her the biggest prize from the games and I'd make sure we went to a photo booth and got pictures. As cheesy as it sounds, I really want to be on the Ferris Wheel with her when it stops at the top. I'd tell her how special she is to me and how much I treasure having her in my life. I'd tell her how much I love her and I'd kiss her. I know she'll probably blush if I do that, but I want her to know what she means to me--plus her blush is adorable. Afterwards we'd go home and watch movies in her room until we fall asleep together." 

What's your favorite color?

Senri: "Good question. I'd have to say I like more neutral and earth tones, my favorite is probably gray. I've always found earth tones very calming." 

March: "I like deep reds, like wine red or maroon. Those colors always looked great on me."

Riki: "Purple. I love purple. I find it to be a more passionate and comforting color. I especially like it in combinations of black, red, and gray. Purple always made me feel safe and happy when I was younger. I can't really explain why, but to me purple is very comforting and it reminds me of a time when I was happier."

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