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During the fall of 2006, my eyes were always fixated on the new kid in my year. I was completely enamored at the way his raven black hair fell over his blue-green eyes so effortlessly. He was a walking piece of art.

A few weeks into first semester, I mustered up the courage to write him a poem on loose leaf paper in pink glitter ink. I hoped that he'd like it, it looked the same as his favorite nail polish. It wasn't until I got to his locker to slip the paper into did I realize I had planned my timing wrong.

Kellin was right there in all his glory, looking right at me, wide eyed and all confused. "What are you doing here?" He asked. All I could do was shuffle in place in a panic. With shaking hands, I handed the poem over to him and ran away.

"Oli!" He called out. I couldn't turn back, I was so embarrassed. I can't believe I did that, I regret everything. I'm so stupid... so, so stupid.

I rushed to the bathroom, pushing away the boys conversating amongst themselves. I knew I was irritating them with my mere existence, but I needed to find somewhere to be alone. And fast.

I ran into the first stall I saw, my heart racing and aching. I recognized that feeling, it was shattering to pieces. I started to cry, tears pouring down my face and-

"Oh my god." Kellin exclaimed. "You were being so dramatic! I would have fallen for you anyways if you just started a normal conversation with me," He put down his eyeliner pencil and turned towards me. The smile on his face was to mock me, but damn, he looked so cute.

"I know! I know. But I was just a little nervous."

"A little?"

"Okay," I fell over backwards on my bed and rested on a pillow. "I was very nervous."

"You were a scaredy-cat!" Kellin hopped on the bed and crawled towards my body, positioning his knees beside my hips. It's been about seven months since we started dating, but he still manages to get me all flustered. "You were intimidating."

"Intimidating, hm?" He cupped my jaw with his hand and brought my face closer to him in an oh so gentle fashion. I sat up and then collided our lips together. Kellin silently squeaked in surprise, kissing me back graciously.

Everything felt magical until there was a knock on the front door. Dammit, can't I get a second alone with my boyfriend? We quickly pushed each other away and moved to an unsuspecting distance from each other. At least my dad has the audacity to knock first before barging in. "Come in."

He opened the door with a phone to his ear. "Kellin." He said. He perked his head up to listen to whatever my dad was about to say. "Your mom's almost here to pick you up, get your things."

"Okay, Mr. Sykes. I'll be down in a minute."

He responded with a simple nod. Then, he closed the door. Kellin and I looked at each other with sad looks on our faces. Without saying anything, he got up and collected the CDs he brought here and his makeup bag.

"I hate having to come home." He muttered. "I could hide you under my bed and pretend you already left." I suggested. That earned a laugh from him. "Nah. My parents would go batshit when they notice I'm not home." He picked up his bobby pins from the dresser and went over to kiss me.

"I'll walk you downstairs." I stood up and put my arm around his waist before I realized what I had done and put it down immediately.

We went over to the front door together, noticing the light entering the living room through the window from his mom's car lights. "Have a nice day, Kellin. Heard you're turning sixteen in a couple days, that's a big step." Dad humored. He didn't respond, he only nodded and gave him a little lip-smile.

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