♥all my fault♥

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"That's not possible, the fires started before these children were reported missing. Plus, they're both far too pale to match the description. This one in particular is taller and thinner. Don't arrest him."

"Close enough."

"Something tells me you care more about getting the arrest over and done with than actually bringing justice."

The voices were faint, but still enough to irritate my currently sensitive ears. I started to cough, sitting up on whatever cushioned surface I was laying on.

My eyes opened, and I saw a room with white walls and white tiles. I had an oxygen mask on my face, and I was laying on a hospital bed in a gown. A nurse stood beside me and the two people conversating were standing face to face a few feet away from my bed. It was a police officer and a tall man in a dress shirt and dress shoes.

"Oliver Sykes, was it?" The tall man asked, walking over to me and sitting in the chair that was right beside my bed.

"Ye-" I immediately started to cough before I could finish speaking.

"Easy there," he said, patting my back.

"I'll get him some water," the nurse said, walking out of the room. The police officer left with her, saying that he'll "give us privacy."

The man continued patting my back while I took another moment to clear my throat. "I'm Detective Mason."

I groaned. "Where's Kellin?"

"We'll tell you later, I'm here to investigate the case of the arso-"

"I don't care, where's Kellin?" I cried out. I let out another cough, my mind flashing back to the fire and how my body ached after I fell through the floor. I remember I heard a scream...

Detective Mason didn't answer me. His eyes trailed to the ground and he shook his head. "Answer me."

"Kellin Bostwick was never found. We searched as much as we could, but merely moments after we saved you, the building collapsed."

I felt my whole body go cold and my hands began to shake. It was like I was paralyzed, I couldn't even think straight.

"Kellin... no..." I breathed out. My vision clouded out with tears and I started to cry. I buried my face in my hands, sobbing. Not him. Anyone but him, why couldn't it have been me? It should've been me!

"Oliver, I'm so sorry. Our team tried our best-"

"You're team is useless!" I shouted at him through my tears, my words echoed in the hospital room.

"They saved your life, Oliver."

"Not good enough... he was... he was in the room above me. Right above me, he was going to find a way out. Did he..."

Was he too late to escape before the building collapsed? We were close to the second staircase, I shouldn't have given up. Why did I give up? So fucking stupid!

I wanted to hope that he was free and found a way out, but doubts continued to fill my mind. He could be dead. I left him on his own to die.

"It's because of me," I sniffled.

"It's not, I promise."

"I lost the love of my life," I croaked out, breaking down in tears into the detective's arms. He awkwardly rubbed my back while I sobbed.

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