Zeta's past has never been told

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Your pov:  I woke up on Zeta and Zeta was asleep quicker than I thought, so I walked around and I noticed that something shining is on the floor. I picked it up and it was a recording from Joey. I got curious, so  I pressed play and it says this...

" Day 6 on bringing cartoons to life this is an unusual thing to do to bring the Bendy Brothers to life with a demonic ritual... So, I asked Ziek and Beck to help me out not knowing killing those 2 with making a complete success for the studio..., so...

... Let's begin".

The recording stopped and it was terrible knowing Joey killed Beck and Ziek on purpose and I need to do something about as I walked I bumped into you guessed it Zeta I was in big trouble and Zeta left eye showed up in tears.

" I'm sorry for not telling you this I- i ", said Zeta sobbing.

I hugged him rubbing his head.

" Don't blame yourself, Zeta it's Joey to blame Joey's the true monster not you", I said to Zeta.

Zeta smiled and hugged me back and we had our moment together.

Zeta: Not knowing  " he" is spying on us.

" Don't worry, y/n soon you'll fall to your doom", said a voice.

Silence means you agree Zeta/Ziek x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang