#3: Detective Files

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Today was another new day. The world was blessed with yet another weekend; a Saturday.

2:05 PM.

(Y/N) actually thought of a plan - well, sort of. She waited in McDonalds, sitted in a booth.

(Y/N) munched on some fries as she scrolled through the random posts on (Insert Social Media App You Often Use). She was waiting for Gaby to come.

(Y/N) invited him to discuss about the 'plan' she thought about.

After a few minutes, the man he was expecting finally came.

Gaby sat at the other side of the table. "Hey (Y/N)!", he greeted. (Y/N) smiled. "Oh hey, Gaby. Glad you could make it."

"Yeah, anyway.. What's this 'plan' you're talking about?"

(Y/N) sighed. "I'm getting impatient, Gaby. The policemen are useless! How coult they not find Princi?! Obviously, he's still in the neighbourhood, right? It's not like he just dissapeared into thin air or something!--"

"--Calm down, (Y/N)..", said Gaby. "At least they tried, r-right..?"

"..But they haven't tried enough." (Y/N) protested.

Gaby sighed. "Anyway, what's the plan?"

"The plan is that we'll do the investigation ourselves!"

"What?!", Gaby's eyes widened in shock. "And how do you even plan to do that?"

He wants to help find his dear friend as well, but doubt and disbelief ensues him for it just really is a bit of a stretch to handle all of this detective work, especially on their own; considering they are just normal high school students living in a small town.

(Y/N) smiled in a rather boastful manner. It seems as if she really knew what she was talking about. "What I thought was we go to Princi's house and maybe try to look for some clues there or something."

"..Wouldn't it be rude to go there and suddenly ask his dad if we can rummage around Jaron's bedroom or something?"

"Mr. Cohen knows us well, remember? It'd be fine, Gaby. Stop being a worry-wart."

"Well okay then..", Gaby responded - trying not to doubt (Y/N) anymore. "If it's to find Jaron then I'm in!"


And with that, a few moments later, both (Y/N) and Gaby went off to Jaron's house. Their plan is to investigate around the house, especially in Jaron's bedroom, to find clues and find out as of why Jaron has gone missing and still is - up unto this day.

They know that it's a bit of a stretch and they are aware that there is a large percentage that they will fail, but they still have high hopes.

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