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Overspace, near the home of Eternity

Outside of Time and Space

I was floating... somewhere. I couldn't feel my feet, or my hands, or, well, anything. It was like my consciousness was floating.

I opened my eyes, or my equivalent of eyes, and could see a large black being, draped in tattered blue fabric.

Suddenly, the entity moved, looking around. It's bright yellow eyes swept over me like a flashlight, then swiveled back and stared. It seemed unable to speak to me, but instead telepathically communicated.

Who are you? What are you? It asked. You are not supposed to be here. 

I don't know. I thought back, hoping it could hear me. Who are you?

Eternity, It said. I am Eternity.

If you are Eternity, I reasoned. You are everything. So surely you know who I am.

I do. Or at least I believe I know who you are. Eternity took a step closer to where my consciousness was tethered. 

Who am I then? What am I?  Where am I? I fired questions at it like bullets, one after another.

Your name is... Eternity reached out his hand to grab me, whatever I was. Suddenly, I felt a tugging sensation where my arms would be. Then my legs, then the rest of my body. As my particles reformed, I was sucked away, far away, from Eternity and the rest of Overspace. As Eternity faded into the whitish distance, I heard in my head, Your name is Lyn Wolff Tho... 

I never got to hear the rest of the sentence.


Back in Hank Pym's Lab, Quantum Tunnel Room

December 27, 2015

Hope busied herself with prepping the Quantum Tunnel. She was finally going to see her mother again! 

"Hey, Jellybean, is it ready yet?" Her father called. She smiled. He hadn't called her Jellybean since her mother was lost.

"Yep. It's prepped and ready to go. I'm coming up now." She adjusted her jacket, smoothing the collar.

"No," Hank said. "Go and meet her. You deserve it."

"Thanks, dad." She ran up and gave him a quick hug, then jogged down to the landing platform. "Ok, I'm ready. You can start the warmup processes."

Hank Pym pulled a lever, and the machine whirred to life. Squinting against the light, Hope moved to the side, allowing her father to see. 

"Mom?" She said, though faintly.

Suddenly, she saw a shape forming inside the tunnel. "Dad! There's something there!" She yelled excitedly.

"I see it, Jellybean!" He yelled back. 

The shape slowly morphed into the body of a woman, who stepped out of the portal. Her eyes were closed, but Hope could immediately tell it wasn't her mom. The woman, really more a girl, looked to be around 16. She had dark brown, wavy hair, and a slim figure. She opened her eyes, and Hope saw they were a violent shade of emerald green. And, the girl was buck naked.

"Here," Hope said, quickly handing the girl her jacket. It was black wool, and came down to the girl's knees.

"Uh... Thank you." The girl said, putting on the jacket and buttoning it up. She held out her hands, turning them back and forth. She clenched and unclenched her fists, and wiggled her toes. "Truly, thank you. I don't know how, but you've made me real again. You've made me substantial." 

Hank appeared on the landing, quickly walking over. He extended his hand to the girl, saying, "Hello. My name is Hank Pym, and this is my daughter, Hope Van Dyne."

The girl tentatively shook his hand, and then said, "My name is Lyn Wolff... something." She told them about her small chat with Eternity, and how she hadn't been able to hear the rest of the sentence. As she told them, they walked up the stairs to the small break room Hope had set up when they started living in the lab. The three of them sat down, and Lyn answered all of their questions from what she could remember, which wasn't much.

"So," Hank asked. "We know you've been in a dimension known as Overspace. The real questions are, how long were you in there? Were you born in there? Or were you somehow pulled into that dimension from another?"

"I think it was the latter," Lyn answered. She had a faint accent that Hope just couldn't place, though it sounded somewhat British. "I remember... people. Friends, I believe. The year... was 1815. My aunt sent me to boarding school, she didn't like me much. I never knew my parents."

"Im sorry, Lyn." Hope said.

"It doesn't matter. Whoever they are, they're probably dead. Who knows how long I was... in there." Lyn smiled ruefully.

As Lyn told her story, Hank had mostly been silent, but now he spoke. "200 apparent years," He said.

"What?" Lyn screeched. "200 years? How is that possible?"

"200 apparent years," Hank gently corrected. "Apparent to you, that is. Who knows what year it is in whatever universe you came from, but here it's 2015, which means approximately 200 years have passed."

"That... makes sense." Lyn said. Hope shook her head, saying it made no sense. "Oh, yes, it's all coming back now. When I was at boarding school, these guys from Napoleon's army came and took me away. They said I was a witch and locked me up. I didn't understand what they meant until much later, when I had escaped from their prison and was running with the friends I mentioned earlier. We were surrounded by soldiers, and there was no where left to go. We held up our hands in surrender, but... something happened. Something magical. The next thing I knew, all the soldiers were dead, and my friends were backing away, scared. Apparently one soldier had survived whatever I did, and chucked a bomb our way and ran. I jumped on it to save my friends, and the next thing I knew I was with Eternity."

"If the bomb did what bombs usually do, which is explode," Hope asked her father, "Wouldn't she have at least gone to Underspace instead of Overspace?"

"Yes... I think." Hank turned to Lyn. "Unless... you, Lyn, are a cosmic abstract entity."


A/N- Here's the next chapter! I'm gonna try and update every Sunday if I can, maybe more than that if I can get it written! By the way, the world Lyn is originally from, Earth-1991 (also of my creation), actually goes four years faster than Earth-111206, so when it's 2015 in Earth-111206, it's 2615 in Earth-1991. Here is a timeline with my notes, which may or may not make any sense:

As you maybe can see, 1815 is where the timelines line up, this was just to make it less complicated, so

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

As you maybe can see, 1815 is where the timelines line up, this was just to make it less complicated, so...

Blitzkrieg (A Marvel Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt