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Unknown Place

January 1, 2016

"Sir. The strike team failed. Target was not acquired."

The mercenary cowered as his boss turned around, a frown creeping onto his face.

"May I inquire why you were unable to capture a girl who has just awoken from a 200 year nap?!"

"She fought like... nothing I've ever seen before. If I recall, you, sir, told us her powers would be dormant!" The mercenary looked up and stared defiantly into the eyes of his boss.

"They should be..." The boss walked over to a discolored desk, shuffling through the papers on it. "All my research says so... but that is none of your business." As the boss walked back towards the him, the mercenary managed to sneak a peek at the papers. They read:



Known Powers: Electrokinesis, Super-Strength, Phasing

Possible Powers: Flight, Electroportation, Immortality, Shapeshifting

Family & Friends: 

1. Father- Unknown (Thor?)

2. Mother- Unknown

3. Other- Morgan Prifti (Aunt)

4. Recent Friends- Hank Pym, Hope Van Dyne

5. Former Friends- Lucinda Owain, Roselle Perrot, Mathis Duguay


"Inseba. Remember your place. Those papers are not for your eyes." The boss spoke, startling Inseba out of his trance. 

"Sorry, sir." 

"Yes. Now, I'm a reasonable man, and I did give you false information. You have one more chance to prove your worth. Find the girl. Bring her here, alive, and try not to get too many men killed." The boss smiled diabolically. 

"Of course... Patriarch."


Training Room, Hank Pym's House

April 11, 2016

"Lyn. Drop, and give me fifty." Hope said. I sighed, and did as I was told. 

The months had passed quickly since I had exited Overspace, and Hope was training me to become a superhero. Unfortunately, that meant not only training my powers, which grew by the day, but also physical training. Basically, push ups and punching. Lots of punching.

 Hank had also decided that it was time they lived in a house again, so he had found a remote stretch of beach and grew his house there. Literally, he threw a little round disc at what looked like a dollhouse, and it had expanded into a miniature mansion. There had been infrequent attacks, all by the the guys in black. We had looked into Fulmination, finding no traces of anyone by that name. 

I discovered I had large, bat-like wings, and was able to fly with them. They had a large claw at the thumb, good for disarming and stabbing, and were black but faded to a deep purple near the tips. I could also teleport via electricity, basically disappearing in a flash of lightning and reappearing somewhere else, usually wherever I wanted to go. Going longer distances required catching a lightning strike and riding it, but I could travel within at least 5 miles (8 kilometers) without that. Hank suspected I had more powers, but no more had surfaced... yet.

When I had finished the push-ups, Hope said, "Alright, get up. Dad just called me, he wants you in the lab. But don't think you've gotten out of training today, I want you back here as soon as you're done."

"Uh, okay. See you later, bye!" 

I was about to slip out the door when Hope added, "Wait. You might as well practice your teleportation. I don't usually encourage using powers for minor things, but you need practice."

"Alright." I sighed. "If you insist..." Closing my eyes, I took a deep, calming breath, and focused on where I wanted to go. The 28th floor lab. The electricity enveloped me, like a wash of white fire. When I opened my eyes, I was in the lab.

"Impressive," Hank said. "You've gotten better."

"Thanks. So, what did you want me here for?" I surveyed the room, my eyes settling on the mess of wires and fabric on the first lab table. 

"I think..." Hank said. "And Hope probably wouldn't agree, but I think it's time you made your own suit."


A/N- So, its really short but my school just banned all typing personal stories so I couldn't work on it as much. I promise an extra long chapter next week though!

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