{Chapter one; Fake deep}

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One year, and approximately six months later.

"Would you like a bag for that?" The cashier asked me.

I looked down at my items, multiple ramen noodle cups, a coke, and a bag of lollipops.

"Yeah?.." I look at her oddly. Why did she even ask for a bag? Cant she see I can't fucking Cary all this shit in my arms? Jesus.

Maybe it's just what she has to say. You know? To not get fired.  This is a stupid inner thought.  

I have a lot of those, I've considered.

I walked out of the store, my face focussed on my phone. Scrolling mindlessly through Instagram, making my way back to my car. I had to make it back to my job quickly. This was my break, and my show was up next. I can't ask Amelia to cover for me again. Poor girl has done enough of my shows.

Being a dancer was probably the best decision I made in these last few months. You probably don't realize how much money horny business men throw on stage when your doing a thing that people have access to 24/7. Except I don't take my underwear off and finger myself on stage. That's a hooker.

I don't have my own home yet, but it's helping me out. The owner lets me stay upstairs as long as I help out with the rent until I get my own place. It's a full fucking relief, she's like a nice mom to all of us girls there. And she wouldn't want any of her girls to go without a home.

My car is the luckiest thing I have right now. It basically showed up in my hands one day while I was on a irregular morning walk before my shift. Some guy wanted 300$ for a CAR. I was convinced that it had been used in some sort of shootout, or it had drugs in the floorboards. But it was clean, surprisingly. She runs the best she can, but the car certainly isn't perfect.

I take the Keys out of my pocket and unlock the darkish-teal door and slide in. I put my bag of groceries on the seat beside me and started to pull out of the parking lot.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I see a black figure. It looked...human? It wasn't anything special. Just an average human figure engulfed in black.

So, naturally, I slammed on the breaks quickly, falling out of my curious haze. Hearing a "HEY, WATCH IT." From outside my window.

I thought for a second that was the figure, but no. The figure was gone. It gave me an eerie feeling as it would give littetaly ANYONE, but it just exuded a bad energy. I hate it. But I had somewhere to be and people to please, so I shook my head and backed out of the parking lot again.

Still thinking about that- goddamned figure.

Devil. {Ticci Toby X OC} Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora