{Chapter Two; Visited}

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"I'm so sorry I was late again, mazel." I sighed, laying my head on the bar, where the owner of the strip club was cleaning out glasses. "You weren't late, sweetheart." She comforted me. "You were exactly on time."

I sighed. "That's good to know.." seeing an empty strip club was surreal every time I see it. I'm so used to people being here, Motioning me over for a lap-dance or a bachelor party drinking with their friends.

"When's the last time you got your medicine?" Mazel mentioned to me, putting the glasses under the bar, before turning around and getting a new towel in the cubord behind her. 

"I picked them up last week." I answered back. "I've just recently realized that I'm an adult and I can have control over my own medical needs."

"You work at a strip club, honey."
"I know."

"But it's good to know that you finally took that back from your grandmother." She smiled at me. "I thought she'd never give that up."

"She had to." I shrugged. "I threatened her with a lawyer even though I can't even afford my own home." I laughed a bit, sighing sheepishly a bit after.

"And she believed that?"
"Surprisingly yes."

We sat there for a minute, just talking. We did this about every night after the club closed up. Mazel, the owner that I mentioned is like a mom to me. You know? Like the mom
That went missing a year and a half ago?

Tomorrow's the Anniversary of her disappearance. And I guess, if you count it, mine as well.

I wish that I didn't have to work tomorrow, but I need money. And I can talk to my friends back stage.

"I'm heading off to bed, Mazel." I smiled at her, getting up from the barstool.

"Just remember to open up at seven." She gave me a nod.

"You say that every night." I say from across the room, my voice gradually getting more echo as I walk farther to the stairs

"I know!" She calls after me.

I close the door to my room, yawing, pressing myself to my door.

I loved my room, surprisingly enough. It's an extra private room that nobody used, and when I cleaned it up I found out why. So much cum. So..so much cum. Apparently some guys would go to jack off here after lap dances.

But, with a few things dragged in from the back, and goodwill. I made my room my own. I took two velvet couches and put them together to make a bed, throwing comforters and sheets over them. A makeshift vanity using a table that lights up and a mirror that had various things spread all over it. Including makeup and money.

I had a black dresser from goodwill that I'd painted over to make it look a bit smoother, with my heels on top and clothes in my drawers. My bed had a couple things set on it, pillows, a soft, dressed as a maid, hatsune miku plush that I'd taken from my house. The other miku plush was on the shelf, along with another anime related bear-plush.

To top it off, random posters plated the pink walls that I had collected over these last few months. Also a fluffy-rug thing.

I looked at myself in my mirror. I looked tired, my skin was pale. My makeup smudged. I took off my tall-heeled boots and set them on the ground with a clunk. It had the signature "Cream" on the heel with a heart. Yes, that's my stripper name, Anastasia Cream. Yes I know it's stupid, but for anything, my real name sounds more like a stripper name. Angel? Fuck is that name. It's ironic.

I dragged a chair over to my mirror and sat down, taking my phone out and starting to play whatever YouTube video interested me at the time. I took off my lashes, wiped off my makeup, yawning once again.

I looked at my eyes closely in the mirror. I slowly touched my finger to my eye and got my colored contacts out. Having red eyes isn't exactly normal.  I've had to deal with it ever since the incident.

The incident, well that's a story. I like to relay it to myself every so often to make sure it's real.

When I was in the forest after I ran away from my home, I was conked out.

Which got me scared, but, I was met with a woman in a dark room. She had long, flowing blonde hair, with pink trailing up it. She had horns on her head and roses on her body.

She said her name was Lilith. She made me an offer. Lilith was a demon, praying on me. She promised me great power exchange for-


Human meat.

Something hard hitting, I know. But I don't eat it, Lilith does. Lilith takes control of my body. It's my vessel, but it's Lilith.

It does have some side effects. I have a dark fade on my hands, reaching to my wrists. My eyes are yellow, with a red sclera that makes my eyes look like I smoked some kind of terminal weed, and every so often, a weird mouth will appear on my body. Somtimes eyes. It's creepy when you wake up in the morning and you have an eye on your forehead. They close though, it's not painful. Just a bitch to hide.

I can also communicate with Lilith, but she chooses to only talk to me when she's hungry. Fair enough.

Being with Lilith made my life marginally easier. It's hard to conceal the "side effects" sometimes, but makeup has come a long way since whenever the Exorcist was released.

I finished taking off the rest of my makeup and took off my clothes, changing my underwear and taking off my bra. I used to have an old ex-best friend that used to sleep in a bra. That's irrelevant, but I thought it was weird. How can a person sleep in something so uncomfortable? It was a Walmart bra too. Fucking insane.

I stepped over the side of one of the couches that made up my bed and jumped down into a mess of fluffy blankets, pillows, and one Miku plush. I grabbed her fluffy aqua pigtail and pulled the plushie close to me, trying to drift off into a much needed sleep.

Until I started to hear...static? in my ears?

"Knock it off Lilith!" I hit myself in the head, mumbling rudely to the powerful demon inside my body. Smart idea.

"That wasn't me." The wispy, ghostly voice spoke to me. It felt like a gentle echo. Almost comforting, I think.

"Who was it then?" I mumbled, seemingly out loud to myself.

"A powerful force, seemingly not of this world." She answered me. "I have a hunch. But I am often wrong."

"What does it want?" I nervously asked her.

"Us. It wants us."

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