{Chapter Three; The goose}

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It was about 3:40 in the afternoon, the day shift at a strip club isn't as horrifying as they made it in the office, but it's just boring of anything. But it's mostly the assholes that come out during the day.

I adjusted my raspberry-colored pump and stepped down from one of the chairs in the back. You can get used to heels this tall, but their still hard to walk in sometimes. And I end up bleeding at the heels a lot. One of the things about this job I DON'T like.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My long lilac-purple hair flowed to the back of my waist. It didn't use to be like this, my hair was short and fluffy, a dark purple. But it's another thing that Lilith changed. Including my bangs, turned from side-swept to a part down the middle of my forehead. I didn't "not" like it- it's just a huge change from what I was used to at the time. Now I've grown to love the change, though. It makes me feel powerful and In control. As weird as that sounds.

Lilith May be possessing me, but we're equals. I know how to keep her in check. At least I believe I do..

I walked out of the back room, my black lingerie and top-harness leaving not-much to the imagination, looking for my next victim.

I went over to talk to one of the other girls in the meantime, but then I was called over by a guy with blonde hair, wearing street clothes. Looks like a frat boy. I hate frat boys. They see me and the girls as sub-human. But to be honest I think everyone does.

"Hey." I gave the strong blonde man a seductive smile. "What did you need, sweetheart..?"

They started laughing. I never like when they start laughing. You know, laughing, punching at each other. That stuff that guys do when they're personality is a Chevy commercial.

"How about a dance from you and your friend there, huh?" He nodded over to another girl, Bunny. Bunny was a sweet and adorable type, putting on a persona of an airhead, stripper Sanrio character. In reality she was from England and obsessed with classic rock, and loved anything from the 70s and 60s. We bonded over that though, I really like the early queen albums.

"Well.." I motioned bunny over to me, she came flouncing over with a soft smile. She had long blonde hair and a white corset that made her bust look bigger. Everyone likes a stripper with big fake tits!

"Who's this?" She looks at them wide eyed.
"These boys want a dance from us." I smiled at her.

"Yeah, Yeah, hurry up and shake your asses for us, we haven't got all day." The blonde frat boy, who seemed to be the leader of the three friends, said white rudely.

I pursed my lips, while bunny looked disgruntled. Bunny was very emotional, and even though you can't really be like that with a job like this, she can't help it.

I sighed, trying to keep my seductive demeanor. "Dances are thirty up-front, boys." I gave them a smile, biting my lip.

"THIRTY? Oh your fucking kidding me. I'd better get to fuck you both for that price."

I huffed.

"How horrid. What kind of person talks like that?" Lilith said inwardly.

I could see tears pricking at bunny's eyes, she didn't deserve to be treated like this. She was getting flustered and didn't know what to do.

"Sir." I gritted my teeth. "This is a strip club, we're not prostitutes."

"..And we cannot change the price of the dances-"

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" He roared, grabbing bunny by the wrist, the same with mine, she started to cry now, looking terrified. "Come on, I'm getting my money's worth."

A loud whistle came from behind us, rule number one of strip clubs, don't touch the girls.

It was Christina. She's our kind of- stripper mom. She takes care of us girls when the Owner isn't available. She was tall, threatening, and confident as hell. "Get your hands off my girls!" She snapped. "DUTCH!"

Dutch was the heavyset bouncer, strong, and stonefaced. He was a sweetheart though, had a wife and kids n' everything.

Dutch came over and grabbed two of the guys by the collar, with a "I think you've had enough." Tagline. But it didn't seem like the guy had been drinking. The other bouncer grabbed the last frat boy, and threw them out of the club.

Christina made her way over to us with a sympathetic look. "You girls ok?" She spoke with a heavy Jersey accent.

"Mm-Hmm." Bunny sniffled.

"Oh, sweetheart." Christina have her a hug to comfort her, "Angel honey, why don't you take a break?" She nodded.

I nodded back at her, walking off back to the dressing room, running my hand through my hair. I was still just trying to process what happened, I know what would've happened if Christine wasn't there, I just don't like to think about it.

"I can feel your stress levels weighing up. It's making me hungry." Lilith interrupted my thoughts.

"I really don't need that right now." I huffed. "I'll feed you soon."

"Every minute you wait, I get hungrier." She snapped back.

"Do you feed off of my misfortune or some shit?" I asked her.


I grabbed a box of cigarettes out of my bag and a big white sweater of mine, just to look like I'm not wearing underwear in public. Then I ventured out the back-door to the alley in the back of the club. It was surprisingly safe, all the girls smoked there from time to time, and some of the bar patrons next door came in that alley as well.

I leant up against the wall, putting one of the cigarettes in my mouth and lighting it. The stupidest shit to me is every time I see my lighter I think of how I got it from a goose. Yes, you heard me right, a fucking goose. Little bastard stole it from a store and I took it off of his hands. It was hard though-

"I feel something dangerous close by."

Because geese are vicious little pricks and only care about themselves, how can a bird be so self centered, and how can a store owner be so stupid-

"Angel. I'm serious. There's an underlying presence near by." Lilith said, starting to appear staticky.

So I got the lighter from the goose, but then it chased me around and bit me for a while, because again, geese are ASSHOLES-

"A-ÑGÊŁ" Lilith was hardly comprehensible.

And that's when I passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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