(07) - Xiao Zhan -

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Wang Yibo POV

His name is Xiao Zhan.
A man with handsome face, bunny teeth and a lovely smile.

A man loved by many.
Unlike me who had cold personality, he has that friendly, warm and kind personality which liked by many.


Xiao Zhan.

A name that's silently accompanied my every breath I take.
I don't remember at what point he became the center of my life and my whole being.

We met at summer few years ago when we both get cast as double male lead in one ancient drama.

At first I get drawn to him by his lovely smile. It's warming my whole being.
My heart beating a bit fast every time I saw his smile. His smile always managed to stole my breath.

In short amount of time we got closer. A lot closer.
We match each other well. We loves lot of same things.

Like tea, game, rainy days, snow, sad love song and many more.

I found out he's also an orphan like me. He told me, His father passed away from terminal disease, his mom passed away from broken heart.

My parents passed away when I was in junior high school in car accident. I lost all of my family in one day. My father, mother and little sister, all gone in the accident. I lived with my uncle in South Korea after that. When I finished my high school I decided to came back to China to pursue my dream. Becoming an Actor.

I secretly thank god above, if I never come back to China, I wouldn't meet Zhan-ge.

My special name for him.

When I am with Zhan-ge I can be myself. There's no need to pretending to be someone perfect. He'll accept whatever flaws I had. I feel free.

We decided to live together after he found out about the sasaeng fans that camping outside my apartment. We put together our saving to buy a house with better security.

Well, those sasaeng proven to have some good use. Because of the I managed to live together with my dream man. I smirk.


Xiao Zhan.

The oblivious man that managed not to get the hint about my feelings even if I tried to do it at least once a day.

I said to myself. Don't give up.
Maybe one day, when he deemed you're as someone worthy to receive his attention and feeling, he'll know about your feeling.

Thank god he's stupid and slow.
So he doesn't catch I blush or choked when I see him half naked when he just get out of the bathroom.
He also didn't catch my heart rate went up every I teach him with touch, hugs and kisses.

The first time I stole his kiss is when I saw those leaked photos of him filming his new drama. He kiss his co-star in one scene. That put me in a bad mood for a few days. I can't even managed my expression when I was doing a live stream to promote some product that use me as their brand ambassador. My fans made fun of me because of that. They said I looked bored.

When he got home after filming, I grab his waist and kiss the life out of him.
What I get for response?
He hit my head and told me not to joke around kissing someone.

Am I not pouring enough love into that kiss? How could he saw that as a joke?

When I sulks about that, he managed to made peace with me using his godly cooking skills. He cooks all of my favorite food and look at me with a big doe eyes.

I'm not that cruel to not forgive some bunny that looks like he gonna cry because I'm sulking.
And definitely not because I'm weak to whatever Xiao Zhan do.


One time.
I tried my luck to confess my feeling. Asking him to marry me and spend the rest of his life with me.

I tell myself not to get disappointed if he rejects me. I'll try it many times until he see me as someone he can trust to spent the rest of his life with.

And yeah.
I got rejected.
He said I need to met a good girl so I can make a family with her.

How could I do that?
When he's the one and only human I see as my everything? Friend, lover and family.

I tried to change my tactics a bit.

I date a few girl.
I always made sure to tell Zhan-ge when I got one and when I got rid of one.
His reaction is always the same.
Smacking my head and tell me not to play around with girl feeling. He's the most oblivious human being ever existed.

He should say that to himself. He shouldn't play around with my feeling.
How could he make me feel deeper and deeper for him, but got rejected whenever I try to confess my feeling.


"What make you so happy this morning?" My manager ask me when I enter the car.

"I got a heated goodbye kiss from my wife" I smirks.

"Nah more like a stolen kiss. We can hear Xiao Zhan scream from here" one of my personal bodyguards gege said chuckling.

"Shut up! One day I'll make him my wife" I smirks.

"Yeah yeah.. you say that for... huh I forgot for how many years it's been. Keep dreaming bro. At least dreaming don't cost you anything" My manager said.

"So cruel~" I whine.

And they all laughed.

"Btw Yibo, is Xiao Zhan okay?"

"Why you asking that?"

"Nah, I rarely see him these day. I thought he is sick or something"

"Ah that's? No he's healthy. He said he'll take it easy for a while. He want to rest a bit"

"Yeah. If I were him I'll feel exhausted too. His job is even more than you right? He used to fly from here to there everyday"

"Yup. I'm glad he finally decreasing his amount of work so he can take a better rest" I look outside. It's almost summer.

"Really? If you really want him to rest, why're you only accept work that took a place in Beijing? It's not like so you could go home every day and pester him right?" My manager said smiling evilly.

"Ge! Wah. How could you accuse me like that?" I look at him.

"Then what? Aren't you accepting those work outside the city because you're too lonely when Xiao Zhan is away filming?" My evil manager continues.

"You're cruel!" I sulks.

"Ohh boy, after living with Zhan-ge our poker faced and iceberg Yibo learned to sulks" the car is once more full of laughter.

I shake my head. Stupid geges.

I guess I get used to Zhan-ge spoiling me. So unconsciously I started to lose my poker face around the people I close with.

They said I got livelier.

Well thanks to Zhan-ge. His personality must've rubbed on me. I smile easily now.

What should I do if I don't have you in my live Zhan-ge!

I look up at our apartment as the car get moving.
See you later, Zhan-ge~


Sorry for updating late..
See you~

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