Prison Break

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Simple plan. Complex execution. Using the storm as a cover, cut the power. Travel through the air vents to the hospital ward. Take out the guards, take the brothers out the window.

Simple enough. Except I have to trudge a mile through the forest in the pouring rain to avoid the guards hearing my truck.

When I finally reach the Hoag, I find a large tree branch, already knocked down from the wind. I manage to haul it toward the electric console. First I find the vent and open it so I can get the hell out of there quick. Using my rope, I use a low hanging tree branch as a sort of pulley system to hoist up the fallen one. I then climb up the tree and drop down on the other side of the fence. After shutting off the main switch,  I quickly swing the fallen branch over the fence, setting it to look like it had fallen from the tree. I grab my rope and climb over the fence and through the vent. Following the blueprint of the prison, I make my way to the hospital ward.

When I finally get to the vent above where the boys are being held, I silently unscrew and remove the cover. The space is small, but because of my flexibility I manage to get one leg on the other side, straddling the small hole. Conveniently, the duct is taller than it is wide. Grabbing my two guns and screwing on the silencers, I slide my upper body out of the hole using my legs to hold me up. I take out the only two guards in the room with ease. Thankful for my small size, I slide back into the duct, drop my backpack down, and sort of front flip out of the air duct. I walk over to the window to see the guard doing his rounds turn the corner.

"Alright, judging by my calculations, it should take that gaurd about ten, fifteen minutes until he makes it back around here." My accent was no doubt making them suspicious, but I had a mission to accomplish. I reach into my backpack and toss them each a set of clothes and a pair of boots. Grabbing my tools, I manage to pry off the bars and open the window. I turn and look at the boys. "Well come on lads, get dressed. We've no time to waste!"

"What about Romeo?" Connor asks. "He's in no condition to be moved."

"He will be moved later. Right now I'm to get you two out of here. Now put the clothes on and let's go!" I throw my rope ladder over the edge and hook it to a bed. The boys reluctantly climb down and I follow.

I make my way to a branch hanging over the fence. Pulling a knotted rope out of my backpack, I sling it over the branch and motion for the boys to climb up and over.  They climb up the rope and over the fence. Just as I'm pulling myself into the branch, I hear someone yell.

"Hey! You there! Kim Possible! Come down from there!" Shit. Though, I couldn't deny that my black crop top, cargo pants, army boots, and Irish red hair made me look like Kim Possible. I reach into one of my pockets for my keys and toss them to Connor.

"About a mile north from here is a red Ford. You can't miss it. Wait for me there."

"Which way's north?" Murphy asks.

"That way," I point. "I'll lead them away until I can lose them. Wait for me in the truck. If I'm not back in an hour, turn on the GPS and set it fir home." I carefully hand them the backpack, making sure the gaurd below me cant see.

"Yo! Kim Possible! I'm gettin a little impatient here!"

"Go." When they're safely out of the tree and headed north, I climb down the tree and walk up to the gate. "Yes, officer?" I say in an innocent voice.

"How bout you climb back over the fence. Seeing as how you didn't have any trouble getting over the first time."

"Oh sure!" I walk to the side of the tree I came down on but instead of climbing up, I run. I can hear the gaurd yelling into his radio and more gaurd coming out of the main building. I let them stay a safe distance behind me, just so they can see me. After running for what seems like forever, I pick up speed. I get as far ahead as I can and climb a tree. Hidden in the branches, I watch as all the guards storm right past my hiding place. When their shouts are just a sound in the distance, I start tree jumping.

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