The Plan

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"Here's what we've found." Smecker said, handing me a stack of notes. "Basically, there's no actual leader, just a bunch of wannabee mob leaders. They pretty much decide what they're doing as a group- don't know how any of that works out- and then they go from there."

"How'd you find that out?" I question.

"You remember the two men who showed up here, killed your dogs, almost killed you."

"Almost died themselves? Yeah, I remember."

"Yeah we found them. They spilled their guts, little chickenshits."

"Nice. What do we do now?"

"Well," Connor started. "I think we take care of the fuckers."

"Not just them," Murphy adds. "I say we take care of everyone."

"That's a damn fine idea." Eunice says.

"So what's the plan?" I ask. "I mean not that it matters, nothing goes according to plan where the MacManus brothers are involved."

"I'll drink to that!" Romeo shouted.


"So here's the plan," I start.

"Wait, I thought you said there was no point in a plan," Murphy interrupted.

"Just because this plan is going to fall to shit doesn't mean we can't have one. It will at least provide a guide line. Now, the meeting is in two hours at the old warehouse on 7th Street."

"That's all you can provide?" Eunice asks. "What kind of warehouse? I'm sure there are multiple warehouses on 7th street."

"Oh, the boys know which one I'm talking about. It's not far from McGinty's, pretty sure they've hidden from the police a few times in this particular warehouse."

"They should've hidden there after their encounter with the Russians." Smecker added.

"Oh yeah, that would've saved us a lot of trouble," Murphy inquired. "But we also wouldn't have gotten the funds or the connections for our first job."

"Oh yes," Connor piped up. "And we wouldn't be here, in our lovely sister's house, in the middle of nowhere, hiding from the police and what is left of the Italian mafia."

After a moment of silence, I decide to continue.

"Anyway, here's where we'll enter," I point to a back door on the blueprints I had pulled up on my laptop. "If you could walk quietly, we could snake through this back hallway and rain on their little parade."

"Does rain actually ruin parades?" Romeo asked out of nowhere. "I used to play football, and we played through pretty much everything."

"Yes, Rome, rain really does ruin parades." I said, annoyed. "Walking in its is miserable, no one wants to stand around in it, and there's no music because marching bands cannot play their instruments if it is raining."

"Why not just plan around the rain?"

"In Oklahoma? Not a chance. Now, if you're done asking stupid questions, we will continue the explanation of our plan. So, once we take care of them, we must hide the fact that we were ever there. I know you boys like to leave your mark, but we want the police to believe that you boys escaped from prison and disappeared without a trace. We need one man alive during the chaos, then we stage a suicide."

"And this serves what purpose?" Murphy asks.

"My hope is that the police will think one of the men wanted more power so he killed everyone. Then couldn't handle the guilt and killed himself."

"Why don't we just kill everyone at once, then move him?"

"No," Smecker piped up. "The forensics will show that he was moved."

"Well then," Connor said enthusiastically. "I guess we're moving bodies."

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