The Rescue

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Today is the day, the day we would rescue Romeo. Although our plan wasnt fool-proof, it was good enough. All we needed was for the boys to distract the guards long enough for me to get in and get Rome out.

When we arrived at the prison, the boys went through the front wearing their masks while I headed to the roof. When heard nearly every gaurd shouting inside, I hooked my rope to a pipe and climbed down the side to a window.

"Fuckin rope," Murphy had critisized earlier. If only he knew how many times rope had gotten me out of horrible situations. Pulling the bolt cutters off my belt (yes, bolt cutters again) I cut the bars off the window and smashed it. Clearing the shards of glass, I crawled through the window.

"Who the hell are you and what the fuck is going on?!?" Romeo screamed once I was inside.

"Name's Jenny. Call me Jen." I started unpacking his clothes from my backpack. "Put these on. We don't have much time."

"Rescued by an Irish Kim Possible. That's something that dont happen every day."

"Shut up and hurry up. Like I said we don't have much time, nor do our friends downstairs." I turned my back while he changed, dropping the rope ladder out the window. We climb down and run down the street to my truck. I honk the horn, signaling that we were out. Praying they heard it, I sit for a minute. When I don't see them, I turn to Romeo.

"Stay here. If I'm not back in five minutes, go to the last destination on the GPS." With that, I grab my gun and run back to the prison. When I get inside, they boys are fighting some gaurds. Luckily, they still have their masks on. Pulling mine out of my pocket and shoving it on my head, I lift my gun, pull my okie accent out of my ass and start barking orders.

"Alright listen here jackasses! All gaurds, along the walls." They all do as told. "You two," I motion to the boys. "You two are comin with me." They follow me out the doors and we sprint down the street. I jump in the drivers seat and the boys jump in the back.

"That was surprisingly easy," I say, my voice back to normal.

"Easy?!?" Connor shouts. "You weren't the one getting the shit beat out of you!" He had taken his mask off and I could see the cuts and forming bruises all over his face. Murphy didnt look any better.

"Oh I'll get you patched up when we get back to the hotel."

Romeo, finally coming to his senses, turns to see who's in the back seat. When he sees, his face lights up.

"Ayy! I was wondering what happened to you guys!"

"Well, this lass broke us out of the Hoag all by herself."


The small talk continued until we got to the hotel. I patched boys up while they explained what the ranch was like.

"You'll love it. It's quiet, it's beautiful," Connor started to explain.

"And best of all, the cops won't find us out there." I finished.

Finally, we started the drive home to my quiet life on my quiet ranch.

Until Smecker and Eunice showed up with our first assignment.

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