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Finally, I'm home. Sadie and Blanche come out of the barn with shotguns.

"Oh, put my guns down," I holler when I get out of the truck.

"Jenny!" Blanche shouts. "We didn't think you would be back for a few more weeks."

"Well, we ran into some trouble and had to leave the city. How are the horse?"

"Well, they've been a bit depressed without you, but other than that they're doing good."

"What about the dogs? I know I went and picked them up then left."

"They've settled in well."

"Good. Well, I hate kicking such nice people off my property, but I need a shower and a drink."

"No problem. We'll collect our things then be right out."


I stayed in the shower for about an hour, letting the hot water wash off the events of the past week. Yes, seven days. That's how long we were in there.

When I finally got out, I went to the kitchen, where the boys were already drinking. I sat down and poured a glass of whiskey.

"Whoa, slow down," Murphy says. I had already had three drinks.

"Just pour me another," I say. "I want to drown out all this shit." He reluctantly poured another.

After about an hour, we were babbling about our pasts. The boys started talking about the girls they've been with. When Romeo started about a girl who had a pregnancy scare, I spoke up.

"You know, I had a baby once." The room is silent.

"Jen," Connor starts.

"No, let me speak. I had a good boyfriend. He took care of me and my ranch. And he woulda took care of my baby. Our baby."

"What- what happened?" Romeo stutters. Murphy smacks his arm.

"No, Murph, it's ok. I met Carl in a bar. I know it's a strange place to meet your soulmate, but that's where it happened. After a few months, things got real. I ended up with child, and we were going to get married. Then fucking Crowder." I'm crying, but I don't try to stop it. " Crowder was an old friend who turned out to despise Carl. He wanted everything Carl had.

"One night, while we were laying in bed, thinking over baby names and wedding plans," I smile at the happy memory that took place just a few seconds before tragedy. "He broke through the front door, that one there. Then he came into our bedroom, and started beating Carl. Then he forced my husband to watch as he shot our baby." I touch my belly, remembering the pain I had felt. "He shot me, but it didn't kill me. He wasn't the smartest man. But he did kill Carl, that he made sure of." I light a cigarette. Murphy wraps his arm around me.

"Did the bastard get what he deserved?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, everything he deserved and more."

"Wait, you didn't go all Jack on him, did you?"

"Lord, no. What that man did was unforgivable. No, I just decided to see how many knifes I could stick in him before he died."

"Jesus woman, you're scary," Romeo says.

I just smile.

"You don't know the half of it."

The Boondock Saints III *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now