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"Did ya miss me?" Kid looked at Soul, and something sounding along the lines of "Fuck it" was said. Kid quickly pressed his lips against Soul's, pulling back right after with a blush painting his already red face. Soul, who was extremely confused, touched his lips where Kid had just kissed him. "Wha- uh... eh?" Despite the situation, Kid laughed at Soul's "elegance" and Soul thought about how much he wanted to make this boy laugh all the time. The head doctor walked in. She smiled at Soul. "Hello there Soul. How are you feeling?" Soul wasn't feeling the best. His head hurt. His eyes were burning from the light and his throat was sore. But he looked at Kid and said "I feel okay." The doctor wrote something on her clipboard. Then she continued. "Do you want me to turn the lights down?" Soul nodded and she dimmed the lights. She handed Soul a glass of water and a few pills. "Take these, they'll make you feel better." Now, Soul wasn't an idiot. He remembered what Medusa had done, with the black blood, and he wasn't eager for that to happen again. "What's in this medicine, and what is it called?" The doctor looked confused for a minute, before recognition painted her face. She laughed and said "I forgot about the black blood! Well Soul, this is Oxycodone, which is a pain reliever. If need be, you can ask that Doctor Stein, he'll be able to back what I'm saying." Soul nodded and took the medicine, having trouble swallowing but managing nonetheless. The doctor smiled again, said "If you need anything, just hit the nurse call button, and your food will be on the way." She then left, leaving Soul and Kid alone once more. Kid had been avoiding Soul's eyes. "Hey." Kid didn't look up. "Hey, look at me." Kid looked up, fear on his face. "Come here." Kid didn't object and walked over to Soul's bed. Soul opened his arms, and Kid crawled into his lap. He rubbed circles into the other boy's back, holding his arms around Kid's frame. "How about you go to sleep?" Kid shook his head tiredly, looking slightly dazed. "Can't... Gotta tell Maka..." he held out his phone. Soul picked it up, and hit the call icon, tapping on Maka's name. When she answered, Soul said "Hey. Come to the hospital. Bring everyone, but be quiet, Kid is asleep. He then hung up the phone, and put it on silent, and ignored the calls Maka sent. Kid was asleep in his arms, and Soul pressed a kiss to his head.

Fifteen minutes later...

The gang was all here. They were snickering and awwing at the sight in front of them. Soul was awake, and in the process of running his fingers through Kid's hair, and Kid was asleep in his arms. "It's good that he's finally gone to sleep. He hasn't been able to since the accident", said Maka. "We just wanted to see you. We'll leave you to it then", said Crona. He (yeah I think Crona is a guy. Fite meh) smirked. Crona seemed to have gotten a bit more confident, but Soul saw a bit of his former shyness shine through. He waved them off, and heard Black*Star's giggles through the door. He sent him a quick text on Kid's phone.

Fuck you 🖕

Black*Star replied with

Nah I'll leave dat to Kid

Soul choked so loudly that they heard him in the elevator, all of them laughing.

I haven't the slightest idea (soul eater x kid) {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now