between the cracks and edges

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James swallowed nervously, looking up at the door in front of him, the brass lion-shaped knocker glaring at him with its flat, glossy eyes.

It had taken a while to convince Peter to tell him where the three women lived ("if she said no, it means no, Potter!").

But James had sworn that it wasn't for his usual reasons, and that he genuinely did just want to see her again, and maybe something in his voice had sounded truly sincere but whatever the reason, Peter eventually caved and told him where to go.

"But if they kick you out, don't come crying to me," he had warned that morning, slamming his door shut in James' face.

He had scoffed then. But now, standing there, the weight of the doorknob suddenly seemed very heavy.

Unlike Sirius, who rarely knocked on doors, James was actually an expert in the art of door-knocking. He was often visiting other people's houses, attempting to maintain some sort of reputation to go along with his name and wealth.

So really, he had no excuse not to knock on the Flower's door. How embarrassing for him.

"You know, the door won't actually open itself if you just stand there glaring at it," a snide, familiar voice said behind him.

James jumped, turning to find the blonde woman that had been among the party. What had her name been... Maria? Maisie?

He smiled, extending his hand, which she took suspiciously. "Perhaps not, but it was worth a try." He pressed a charming kiss to her knuckles.

She raised her eyebrows. "Whatever for?"

"Hum... would 'science' be an adequate answer?"

"Not at all." The woman (Oh! Marlene!) moved past him, opening the door and standing just inside the hallway. "Why are you here?"

Rubbing the back of his neck, James said, "I was wondering whether I could perhaps... meet the other woman who was with you?"


"I don't think so, I meant the one with red hair."

Marlene blinked, then smiled coldly. "I believe she told us that you were a rather dirty scoundrel." James blushed but made no move to deny it. "Why would you want to see her?"

He swallowed, turning his head slightly. "I'm just... curious, I suppose. And maybe a little awed. And a tiny bit infatuated. Really, it would be difficult not to be, and I'm unused to feeling so many things about a woman after merely one meeting."

Marlene sighed. "I'll ask her to come down. You can wait here."

James watched as she closed the door, and then exhaled in relief. Then he started feeling nervous again, wondering how the Flower would react to seeing him standing there. Especially after her clear disgust at being asked to spend the night with him.

God, what if she had made up her mind about him already? It was true that he was a 'dirty scoundrel', but James didn't want that to be the end of it! Oh dear, had he really ruined it all?

These thoughts were abruptly cut off by the door opening again, and this time he was met, not with brown eyes, but green ones.

A pause. "Oh, hello again. Fine day, is it not?"

She narrowed her eyes. He was suddenly struck by the tiny freckles scattered beneath them. "I believe I turned you down the last time?"

"Y-yes, yes you did..."

"So why would today's answer be different?"

James looked at his feet. "Well, it's a different question, to begin with."

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