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dear diary,

i think today was the best day of my life. i took seungminnie out to the fair that was in town for our date. we had so much fun, first we went around playing the game booths and i ended up winning multiple new plushies for minnie and he was so happy and blushing everytime i gave him one. we then went on all the rides but the whole time seungmin was holding my hand cause he was scared and i thought that was the cutest thing;-;(aside from his giggle nO oNe can beat his giggle)

the whole time i thought he looked absolutely gorgeous under the different colored lights of the fair and the moonlight(he always is but the lights added to his visuals~), he was smiling the whole time and looked like an excited puppy that just got his treat and i fell even more in love than i ever did before>:(

the last thing we did was getting on the ferris wheel, we waited in line for a good 10 minutes before getting in one of the carts and sat next to each other. when we got to the top seungmin was admiring the view of the city but I was admiring hiM(i've said this a million times before but he looked so p r e t t y)

you wanna know what else i did? i asked him to be my boyfriend right after i kissed him and he said yEs while crying omg i just want to prOTECT this angel

i love him so much my heart hurts I swear
[okay but fucking mood-]

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