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Plagg had fallen silent as these thoughts spiraled in my mind.

"It's time for you to wake up, and see who you truly are, Adrien. You are certainly not Chat Noir anymore after abandoning your responsibilities on that poor girl. So, WAKE UP!"

Staring in horror at the crystal blue gaze, colorless frosty hair, and horribly snow-covered suit, I watched as my reflection faded from that of a scared boy to a terrifying monster, piles of ash now circled around him.


Turning, my legs pounded down sidewalks, along streets, all engulfed by water and dust. Everytime my reflection passed by, it was always the same horrifying image staring back at me.


Is this what has become of me? A boy who's scared of his own shadow? Pathetic. Weak. Insignificant. Always trying to run from any problem presented to me. The boy who hears whispers that aren't there, but in his head. Running away was the one thing I could do now, running through the waves, running through the haunting words, always the coward. What would M'Lady think of me now?

'You have to resist!

Let me help you

You will always be Chat Noir to me'

I had stopped running at this point, watching how my own power, all because of me. What had happened?

"Do you truly want to know the truth? How you got akumatized due to your own indecision? Your own weakness? Well, let me show you..."

Out of the waters came a cotton white glove, soon after the adopted hero suit, crystalline hair, and piercing sapphires. The waves stilled suddenly, droplets of ash fell from a cracked sky, taking forms of people around me. First there was Marinette, followed by Ladybug, Father, Hawkmoth, and finally, Mother.

'You're done, Hawkmoth! Give us your Miraculous!

I would put that Cataclysm away if I were you.. Adrien



We can save your Mother

There would be a terrible price to pay in exchange


No Adrien, you have to resist!'

"STOP IT! You can't trick me anymore! I know these voices aren't real, they're just a figment of my nightmares. None of this is real! Not you, not these waves, and certainly not these whispers!"

A bone-chilling laugh came from the figure before me. One by one, the people carved from cinders fell back into the waters, including Marinette, my one release from daily life.

"You really believe that? Come now, you've known your power is one to be used, not hidden away behind some spotted girl. You've only touched the surface of your true potential. You wonder what boundaries you're willing to go to even when you already know there are none. Destruction should be free, not hoarded away, you don't know the full power of a Cataclysm, but I can show you."

"Adrien NO! Don't listen to him!"

Turning around, the girl there was not one of cinders, but hope, peace. She was there, actually there, not a fake illusion. The shadow behind me growled in frustration when it no longer had my attention. It burst forward, grabbing Marinette by the throat and throwing her into a building beside me.

Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic: MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now