chapter one.

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The sun was just setting. The world was winding down for most people, but for Keith, his night was just getting started.

The raven-haired boy stared at himself in the mirror, he sighed and studied his body. His pale skin contrasted surprisingly pleasantly against the black of his shirt, which was a band tee for My Chemical Romance. The brightest color on his body was the white of his white and black long-sleeve, which was under said tee-shirt. He tugged on his ripped black jeans, shaking his head and grabbing a grommet belt off of his bed and pulled it through his belt loop. He ruffled his black hair and looked in the mirror once again. Much better.

He sat on his bed. It was small, not very comfy, and very, very cheap. Just like most things in this house. He sighed and took the jewelry box off the side table and ruffled through the chains in the box. He picked one up, putting it over his head and around his neck. He looked up at the mirror in the corner of his room again. Nope, not enough. He stood up and walked around his room until he found a choker, it almost looked like a red leather collar with a heart at the center. He slipped some red cloth gloves over his hands. He was trying to balance out the red and black in his outfit, and he thought he finally succeeded. He pulled out his Android and checked the time. 15 minutes until the party.

His high school friend, his only high school friend… Was throwing a party with his roommate Nyma. Nyma and Rolo were the “sweethearts” at their school, but they never really dated. Nyma never really liked Keith, and Keith was fully aware of this, but Rolo had invited him and he was going. He’d never really been to a party… except for when Shiro invited him to one. Shiro was a popular kid in college when Keith was in high school, and his parties were terrifying. Needless to say, Keith left early.

Keith checked his phone again. 5 minutes. Rolo’s place was about 15 minutes away, so luckily, Keith wouldn’t be there too early… Shiro told him it was weird he waited until exactly 7:00 to get into the last one, so he wasn’t going to get to this one at exactly 7:30. He hopped up to his feet, his combat boots clicking on the floor, and walked into the living room. He grabbed his keys off the dining table in the next room.

He rushed down the stairs and unlocked the door to his cheap Toyota, hopping in the driver's seat. He started up the engine and popped in a Panic! At the Disco CD into the disc player. The car was too old to have Bluetooth, and he despised radio music, so he'd have to settle with this. He turned up the radio a bit too loud and took off out of his parking spot, soon he was cruising down the road singing along with some song from A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. He turned into some sort of middle-class neighborhood.

His violet eyes looked around for Nyma and Rolo's address until he found it, pulling his car into the driveway and parking the car. A little crooked, but not bad. He yanked the keys out of the gear and swung open the door. Instantly, he heard the loud people from inside Rolo’s… yeah, people were definitely drunk. How were they already drunk? It was like… 7:45…

Keith took in a deep breath and opened the door, stepping inside just to be appropriately greeted by Rolo's familiar perfect-looking face. "Hey, Nyma, look what the cat dragged in!" He shouted. Did Keith think he was drunk? No, not really. Tipsy in some way? Yes, definitely. In response, Keith just nodded.

Nyma walked over with one hand on her hip. "Oh, hey Keith." She said. Usually, she'd be excited to see more boys in her house, but Keith was a familiar face and she couldn't have been less interested in him. Keith wasn't offended by that. The thought of having Nyma seduce him made his stomach turn.

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