My amazin lil Bro

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Stretch gets sick and gets a special treatment by his brother :D

I do not own the characters

I drew the picture and wrote the story myself ^~^

Chapter 1

It was a quiet and snowy morning in Snowdin. The snow was falling in silence and slowly the whole Village was starting to wake up from their slumber. The light of the glowing snowflakes was creeping through the window curtains of Papyrus's room. The older Skeleton was fast asleep in his bed, wrapped up in two blankets to keep him warm and comfortable. He had been suffering from nightmares of the resets he has been through. He was grateful that his little Brother was not aware of them. Speaking of his energetic younger sibling, he heard Sans knocking on the door of his bedroom rapidly. "PAPY! get up Brother, we need to go to work" he sounded very serious and a bit annoyed even though Blue knew that Stretch had difficulties with getting up and actually do something productive.
"What?... Oh sup Bro?" Papyrus answered sleepily. "SUP? DON'T "SUP" ME BROTHER....WE NEED TO GET READY FOR WORK SO NOW OUT OF BED WITH YOU" Blue said excited. Before He knew what happend Stretch was pulled out of his warm blankets and put into his clothes by his little Brother. After they had Breakfast they were on their way to Alphys and Undyne.

It was a long way for Papyrus who hated walking right now. He had woken up with a sore throat, he felt dizzy and his skull had been hurting pretty bad. He watched his bubbly Bro walking in front of him full of positive energy. 'how did he do that? Being so care free and happy in the morning?' Papyrus thought silently to himself. But at this moment he couldn't even walk and think straight anyways because his headache was getting worse.

"Papy ? Are you feeling alright?" Blueberry asked as he turned around suddenly. "Yeah 'm fine Bro". The smaller Skeleton blinked at him and continued walking "okay".

When they arrived at Undynes House Alphys and Sans began their training. Stretch watched them while sitting on the ground his back leaning against the wall. He felt worse than before, his bones were aching, his face was flushed and he started to shiver.
Papyrus barely moved as a cold blue hand felt his foreskull.  He looked up to see Undyne watching him with a worried look.
"U-uhm hey Papyrus, a-are you o-kay? Y-you feel w-warm?" she stuttered. "Nah don't worry Undyne, 'm fine" Paps lied being tired.
"Y-you don't l-look fine to m-me at all" Undyne said in a serious tone.
He sighed in pain "Just don't tell Blue", Undyne tried to argue back but was cut off from Sans who was running towards them with a lot of excitement. "PAPY I DID IT...I FINALLY TOOK A HIT ON ALPHYS AND SHE SAID THAT I HAVE A CHANCE TO BECOME A PART OF THE ROYAL GUARD IF I CONTINUE LIKE THIS" Blue screamed and was jumping up and down being so happy.

Stretch nodded and tried to hold back a cough. "Papy?" Blue asked confused, "yeah sup Bro?" Papyrus blinked. "Are you okay? You don't look so good?" Sans was getting worried now about his older Brother who was acting funny. "Blue nothin's wrong with me" Paps lied not wanting to worry him.

Sans wasn't convinced at all, so he took off one of his gloves and pressed his hand against his Brother's skull. "Papy you are burning up oh dear you are boiling" Blue said in shock and grew even more worried about the raging fever Stretch was having.
"Heh at least we don't need a stove to make tea, we can just use my Skull" Paps said smiling waiting for Sans to react. 'wait ...was that a pun?' Blue thought then it hit him "PAPY STOP IT".

Papyrus couldn't help but laugh but the laughter turned into a harsh coughing fit.
"BROTHER! be careful and take deep breaths" the smaller Skeleton rubbed small circles on his Brother's back to calm him down. "'m fine Bro" Papyrus said yawning.
"Don't try to fool the magnificant Sans  it won't work, Papy Mwehehe" Papyrus smiled at his brave sibling.
"Hehe Nyeh thanks Bro" he said quietly as Sans helped him to get home.

To be continued...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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