Chapter 2

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Mark: *wakes up* What the? *sits up and looks around at scenery and realizes where he is* Holy balls…

Phil: *wakes up on Dan* Oh… sorry. Where are we? *gets off of dan*

Dan: Ugh you’re heavy phil! But yes where are we?

Mark: *hears Dan and Phil* Guys! *stands up and runs over to them* We’re in Amnesia

Phil: What!? *looks around an finds their camera and grabs it*

Dan: How?

Mark: I don’t know… but we need to find a way outa here *holds hand out for them*

Dan: But how *grabs marks hand and stands up*

Phil: Ya how? *does the same* Oh and I found our camera *holds up camera*

Mark: I don’t know how but come on! *turns away but quickly turns back* And keep the camera on *looks for supplies*

Phil: We will find a way out of here

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