Chapter 1

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Life for Lexi had been quiet since the girls had left after Halloween. Leaving town with work the next day, she had dropped Lucy with her sister on her way through the town and headed for London.

They were all still in disbelief at what had happened in the last few days, the group chat still hadn't calmed down. She could hardly believe it herself that he had moved to the same village as her, let alone bumping into him and the others at the Halloween Scare fest. Meeting for breakfast they had spent what felt like forever chatting until they had to start leaving. Saying goodbye, they had packed up their cars and headed home, leaving Lexi to pack herself after she had received the emergency call from work.

She had fallen asleep on the sofa later that day and woken only long enough to crawl into bed until her alarm rang the next morning. As she left home she had wondered if Gary had made his usual walk across the fields to the woods or not. Running out of time Lucy had only had a quick walk round the garden before being popped in the car and dropped off, on her face a look of disgust at being left behind again.

As she finally headed home after her trip, she had dropped in to get a sulking Lucy and travelled the last of the journey home. Passing through the village she had seen familiar faces leaving the shops as they made their way about their day. The Landlady waved as she saw her and she waved back, forever grateful for receiving the invitation which lead to them all meeting.

Walking through the door she settled Lucy in and walked back down towards the shop for supplies. Strolling around the shop she smiled and said hello to faces she recognised from the pub and the scare fest, loving how she was starting to settle in more every day.

Putting the shopping away she laughed as Lucy came into the kitchen and nudged her leg with her nose, instantly forgiven now they were back in their own home. Picking up her lead in her mouth she dropped it at Lexis feet and stood by the back door. Pulling on her wellies she opened the door and stood aside so Lucy could run to the gate at the end of the garden, once opened she ran straight onto the field.

Following close behind her she watched as Lucy headed straight for the woods again, cursing her she sped up to be able to keep her in sight. As she passed through the low hanging branches she had a sense of dejavu, ahead she found Lucy once again standing on her back legs, dirty paws all over Gary's jacket as he stroked her head and avoided being covered with licks whilst laughing.

Slowly walking into the clearing, she couldn't help but laugh as he caught her eye. If it was at all possible his smile grew wider as she walked over and pulled Lucy down.

"Lucy get down you silly dog" she said grabbing her collar

"She's fine really I don't mind" he said leaning down to stroke her head again " How are you?"

"Really good thank you" she replied trying to keep her cool. "And you?"

"Yes, all good thanks. I was hoping to have bumped into you, but I've not seen you around" he said looking back up at her.

She could feel her heart start to race as he spoke. He had wanted to see her again, actually been looking out for her. Knowing she was the only person he knew so far, it would no doubt be just to talk or ask for advice about the surrounding villages, but either way she couldn't let her face give her away.

"I've been away with work to London for a few days, so I've not been around. anything i can help with now?" She asked

"no, it's okay it wasn't anything urgent" he smiled just as his phone rang. Lifting it out of his pocket he realised he needed to take the call and sighed. Not wanting to leave but having no choice he apologised and started to make his way out of the woods to head back towards the house, lifting one hand in a farewell as he ducked under the branches.

Turning to head back herself Lexi heard him answer the call "Hello Love, sorry I missed your call earlier, I was in the studio" just before he walked out of ear shot.

Walking back towards the house she had to keep calling Lucy back to stop her from following him across the field. Turning on the kettle as she walked through the door, she lit a fresh fire noticing how much of a chill had settled round the house. Pouring her tea, she decided that he was just being friendly and she would happily take his company where she could get it

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