Chapter 3

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The morning had dragged whilst she waited for him to turn up. She could have sworn she had cleaned the kitchen at least three times already.

As she looked through the post delivered that morning she found a flyer mixed in between the letters advertising a night for the village anniversary in a weeks' time. There was a firework display and surprises galore in store for all who attended.

A knock at the door brought her attention back, hearing it the second time she realised it had come from the front door. Opening it, she found Gary standing by the car door smiling.

"Hi" She said reaching to close the door as Lucy jumped into the back of the car.

"Sorry it took so long to get here, I've had people on the phone all day. I tried to get out sooner, it just didn't happen" He said apologising.

"it's okay, I did some work this morning" she replied climbing into the car.

Following her directions, Gary weaved through the country lanes until they started to climb a hill. taking the next turning on the right, they climbed further up until they reached the car park. Turning off the engine he looked around them taking in the vast green scene in front of him.

Standing by the side of the car, Lexi looked for the most familiar trail and started walking towards it as they following.

Looking over her shoulder she smiled "I used to come here all the time as a teenager. The views from up here are breath taking at night. It's like your standing on the edge of the world looking down, life always seemed better up here. All the tiny lights from the town below are one of my favourite things to see"

He loved her enthusiasm as she talked about her home town. Taking the easy routes partially down the hill they saw others walking further down below. Carrying on the path to the left, he looked back to where they had started and noticed how far they had come already. The hills surrounding them were dotted with houses, each one a large building with acres of land before the next one appeared.

The light had already started to fade, so they started to make their way back towards the car. holding out his hand he helped her climb back up the steep slopes until they reached the top again, loving how easily they got on, the conversation never fading.

Just as they reached the car the last of the light dropped out of sight. Turning around they looked back down the hill towards the town, the lights starting to shine as houses started to come to life in the dark. Looking to his left he saw her face light up as she looked ahead, he understood why she loved the place so much.

Driving back towards the village Lexi pointed out one last view point that showed the whole town sparkling below. he had seen some beautiful places in his travels, but there was always something about seeing breathtaking scenes in your own country. From where they sat he could see for miles and miles lights glowing in different shades against the black background.

Pulling into the village he stopped himself from slowing down, just to make the time last a little longer. Just around the next bend stood her cottage, in a minute she would be walking through her front door and he would be heading home. Turning the engine off outside the house they sat and talked for a few minutes more.

"Did you get a flyer about the village anniversary coming up?" she asked remembering from earlier.

"Yes, I think I saw that. The lads might be down next weekend too, we've been trying to write a new song but sometimes its easier to work together. These next few weeks were supposed to be a break, but none of us are ready to stop just yet" Looking out the window he watched as the rain started to fall on the window screen.

"Some of the girls might be visiting next weekend too, at least I hope they can, it will be great to see them again" she said watching the rain drops getting heavier, the pattern on the windscreen blurring.

"Maybe we can book a table at the pub for lunch or something?" he said turning towards her. "it would be nice to meet up again"

"yes, that would be lovely, I'm sure they would love to see you guys again too", she said smiling to herself. "I should let you go. Thank you for a lovely afternoon, I hope you liked it?" She said opening the door, watching as Lucy climbed out.

"That was amazing, thank you for sharing that with me. See you soon" he said a slight smile on his lips.

"yes, see you soon. Bye" She closed the car door and ran to open the front door, just as the rain drops doubled in size. Watching through the front room window, she saw the car start to drive away and turn into the lane out of sight.

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