Chapter 2

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I'm already on my 3rd cup of coffee when I hear the doors to the cafe open. Looking up I see this girl enter. No, not a girl, a woman. I know it's her, my Lyra. Even though it's been far too long since I've seen her it doesn't take me long to recognize her.....for she looks just like her mother.

I'm about to wave my hand in her direction when she strides right towards me. I realize that her mother must have shown her pictures of me otherwise it's entirely impossible for her to remember my face.

Just as she reaches my table I begin saying, "Lyra, hi. Please take a seat." Even as I hear it I know it seems very formal, like how I would address a coworker and not my own daughter.

With a blank look she replies, "Hello Robert."
I swear I could feel a piece of my heart breaking when she called me by first name instead of dad but I cover up my pain with a small smile. I should have expected it, I keep telling myself but it still hurts so bad.

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