9: Best of Luck

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Rose's POV:

The words escaping Peter's lips are difficult to believe but deep down, I know that it is all true. I had known Christine from fragmented memory but not like this. Rose is the same alias my Father's late infant daughter bared. Yet he already had something so precious to him, something in which he seemingly ignored. Human emotions can be troublesome to understand but this, this is the longing of a child's heart for parental love. Christine was that child who had been disregarded for a piece of machinery such as myself. My heart core beginning to ache, sensing the guilt seeping in. I understood Christine all too well. Even in death or machine, emotions are powerful things.

 Even in death or machine, emotions are powerful things

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Remaining silent, realizing what I must do. Peter nor the others will approve of this but I haven't got any other choices. I must confront Christine, to mend this wound that has been bleeding for so very long.

 I must confront Christine, to mend this wound that has been bleeding for so very long

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Third POV:

Rose stands quietly in front of Peter, no word nor movement is made. Peter eyes her attentively, awaiting her response. A steamy sigh escapes Rose's mechanical joints as she raises her neck, tilting her chin so she can meet Peter's gaze. Without a word spoken, only the expression of intent floods Rose's delicate face. Rose, even though well fluid with words can easily sound off a statement without ever needing to open her mouth. Her expressiveness is simply that profound, strangely enough for a machine. Peter understands what Rose is thinking, of what her actions are. Interrogating sternly. "Are you sure about this?"

Rose locks eyes with Peter, reaffirming her decision. Her brow lowering with determination as she wipes away her drying oily tears. Peter receiving the message submits. "Very well."

There is no redirecting Rose now, her conclusion is final

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There is no redirecting Rose now, her conclusion is final. Despite her determination, she is still very small and fragile compared to the likes of The Spine. If Rose were to be caught by The Spine in his current state, she would likely not stand a chance. Unlike The Spine, Rose is not suited for combat. Rose herself is aware of that as well, however, she does not seem to care. A silent aura of strength can be felt radiating from Rose, Peter gazing at her like a proud father seeing his daughter blossom into a young woman. He only hopes that she does succeed in her plan, whatever it may be.

 He only hopes that she does succeed in her plan, whatever it may be

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Rose's POV:

Making sure that Peter understood my verdict, I could tell that he is in full opposition but what other choice did we have? Handing him back the journal but keeping Christine's photograph with me, it will be useful later. Turning to face the door, my joints creaking in distress of my every movement. Peter is sure to warn me of what may be waiting out in the manor keeping note that my silence will fare best for me. When the others caught wind of my ruling, I would not let them stop me. Asking for Chelsea and Camille to open the door, hesitantly they comply. The metal door opening with a groan to greet me with, standing in the doorway facing the darkness that resides before me. With a final gesture, Peter rests a hand on my shoulder and bidding.

"Best of luck to you, Rose."


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