13: Fear

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Rose's POV:

Silence fills the lounge with the last of the chimes on the piano fading into the abyss, leaving behind only the faint hum of electricity and the clockwork ticking. My eyes are fully open now, gazing at the sepia image before willing my aching legs to stand up. Fearing that the action may prompt The Spine to act, which he did not to my dismay.

Slowly rising to my feet, wispy fingers of steam trailing from my tiny circular vents. Turning myself around and now facing him. With the ancient bearings of his war circuitry, he dwarfs my minute figure. Where I reach 5'5, he easily topples me with 6'6 where his usual is 6'3. A lump starts to form in my throat as I allow my eyes to continue their ascent up his construct. His normally slender build seems to have more of a muscular tone, attributing to his untapped circuits.

The Spine's clothing is disheveled, his black button-down torn at the sleeves and his collar flung loosely. His dorsal fins fully erect and prominently in place, displaying aggression whilst glowing green at their rims. The entirety of his appearance gave off a predatorial atmosphere that seeps into my very core.

When my photo-receptors finally land upon his face, I find myself met with a near paralyzing snarl. His lips curl up as if he is biting back a growl all the while his eyes are outlined with an intense green. His pupils were no longer their gentle, seductive dilation. All they convey is a wave of profound fury, so palpable it is nearly difficult to break eye contact without the worry of stimulating him into motion. In the slightest of hints, a nearly hidden notion of confliction can be detected. Only ever so slightly, the real The Spine is still somewhere inside.

The Spine's POV:

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The Spine's POV:

Rose stands agonizingly motionless before me, the violent mixture of emotions at conflict inside me threatens to overload my core. She does not move, only observes. Her eyes carry up my body, exuding a fear so primal and pungent, it sears through me. I did not want her to witness me in such a state. I desperately wanted for her to run, to stay in the protection of the bunker but here she stands solemnly silent.

A rift of anger courses itself through my veins, contorting my facial plates into what can be described as a snarl. Rose's eyes flicker with anxiousness, causing my core to throb even more. How desperately I yearned to save her from the monster I have become. Slowly I feel myself shutting down. Losing all sensation as the animalistic rage takes over, consuming me in thick darkness. I fear for Rose, my love, my star-light.

Rose's POV:

The venomous quiet severs by a deep growl sounding from the depths of The Spine's throat, it is nearly enough to make my core burst yet I remain still and statuesque. "Are you frightened, Rose?"

Unblinking eyes pierce through mine, my heart core skips a beat the moment my name is spoken

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Unblinking eyes pierce through mine, my heart core skips a beat the moment my name is spoken. Shaking off the nervous sparks in my circuitry, forcing myself to maintain eye contact. Answering in a soft edge, something I previously thought to be impossible until now. "I'm not afraid of either one of you."


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