26: The Shower

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Third POV:

Shoeless feet barely grasp the hardwood floors, albeit with the slight trip of misplacing a step or lack of balance. Rose flies down the corridor as far as her nimble legs would allow, her joints taut with agitation but she ignores it. Not a minute later she finds herself standing in front of a cherry wood door, for a moment she hesitates on knocking for the anxiety of what she may find.

Rose's POV:

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Rose's POV:

The memory of The Spine's face, contorting into a growl lingers freshly within my mind and for a second I am nervous to enter. My hand hovers just several inches away from the center of the door, closing my eyes as I sigh. That was not The Spine I know, he is charismatic and loving. Reminding myself and with that, I plant my knuckles upon the wood.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

A sweetly deep voice chimes in return. "Hello?"

My breath hitches, I freeze in place before willing my arm to reach. Softly taking the silver doorknob in my hand, the minute mechanisms in the lock click as I turn it.

The Spine's POV:

Warm water patters rhythmically against my silver plates, running down my form and onto the tiled floor. Focus grants me the invite for my favorite fantasy whilst showering, offering me a fleeting escape from the thoughts of my mind. Suddenly three gentle yet firm knocks sound off, interrupting my daydream. I turn to face the direction of the door, my brows furrow as curiosity gains the better of me. Those knocks were not hefty enough to be the likes of Peter or even Rabbit for that matter. I beckon, raising my voice as to be heard over the running water.

No response, how puzzling

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No response, how puzzling. Just as I am about to return to my interrupted fantasizing, I hear the bathroom door open. I freeze, my ear strains themselves to hark on my unknown visitor. Through the slit between the gray shower curtain and the wall, I have the vantage point from the shower to the bathroom door. Peeking through, the door is slowly being pushed open and from the other side...Rose steps in. The tiny pads in the back of my eyes suddenly grow warm, not realizing that I am holding my breath.

Rose's POV:

I do not know what had urged me to enter the bathroom. Opening the door I am greeted with hot steamy air and a pristinely kept bathroom. It quickly dawns on me that I have never actually been here, of course with being a machine and not having the need to use one as a human does.
Though the bathroom is nearly white, I find myself temporarily drawn to the different colors of handprints on the walls.

A medium-sized handprint, colored scarlet red rests above the sink and with its adjoining twin next to the light switch. Another pair resides on the ceiling oddly enough, a bright tangerine orange hue. There were others, both an indigo blue and a violet purple. A few in bright yellow near the towel rack but the largest were the pair in spring green. One large handprint above the other, curiously I tiptoe over and timidly place my hand over it. It is dwarves mine in every dimension, I began to wonder whom these green handprints were made by.

While marveling at the array of colorful handprints scattering about the room, I notice a light pink bathrobe hanging opposite to the pristine white towel rack. A hush of a giggle escapes my lips as the thought of The Spine dressed in pink boasting his stern furrow crosses my mind. Then I find myself at a loss, now that I am here. What will I do?

My eyes trail to the shower curtain, where the sound of running water can be heard. My heart sinks, releasing that I am not alone in here once again. I feel a lump forming in my throat, hesitating to even move. Then the idea sparks to life, one that may be the most outlandish I have ever thought of. Swallowing the lump, raising my hands to begin untying my corset.

The Spine's POV:

Even though it has only been a total of three minutes, it feels as if it has been an eternity since Rose had entered the bathroom. I soundlessly observe as she studies the multitude of colored handprints scaling the bathroom, even finding myself smiling endearingly as she stopped and places her hand over my green handprints.

Just the sight of her alive and well is so invigorating, it dawns on me of how much I truly missed her presence being around

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Just the sight of her alive and well is so invigorating, it dawns on me of how much I truly missed her presence being around. Amid relishing the thought of Rose, I briefly lost my attention to her and she has moved away from my view. Upon reverting my photoreceptors, my core stops.

Her silhouette now standing in front of the shower curtain, the light from the ceiling illuminates her figure. Her forearms raise to her chest, the action is quite perplexing. Her forearms then contract, pulling a curved rectangular piece of fabric from around her waist...wait a second. Is she undressing?!

Abruptly averting my eyes for the sake of her privacy, internally berating myself for even potentially leering. Covering my forehead, fingers running over my smooth dome. A timid, feminine voice shatters the silence accompanied by serene ticks of clockwork. "The Spine...may I come in?"

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