Chapter 4 (Remake)

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Come fishing with us

"So what's this one about" hagakure said
"I really don't know how to explain it without spoiling it" author replied

The screen shows Mirio, mineta and izuku at a bar, "hey mirio you know what to do man you need to keep away from all this, you need take a break" mineta said to mirio "Ahh I don't know" mirio replied
"nah nah he's right man you should come fishing with us one weekend me and mineta found this great spot last summer" izuku said
"Yeah Great spot" mineta said with a perverted smile while having a flashback

"I never knew you fish mineta" sero said to Mineta "I don't I'm guessing that what my universe guy likes to do you know" mineta replied
"why did you have that perverted grin on" hagakure said as all the girls where felt a chill down there spine "maybe mineta got laid?" kaminari said as he laughed afterwards "yeah never mind I take that back"
"heyyyy you don't know I could have gotten laid" a crying mineta said to kaminari

The scene changes to izuku cooking in the woods and the tent in the background as mineta stick his head out of the tent, "hey you cold" mineta ask izuku "a little bit" a confused izuku replied as mineta put his head back inside of the tent.

The scene changes to mineta laying down inside of the tent and izuku coming in laying right by mineta
"Hey look man Um I'm not on gonna down low or nothing all right" izuku said to mineta "oh that's cool man me neither" Mineta said as he moved his hands to izuku private part "hey what you doing" a nervous izuku said "relax man just trying to grab some nuts" Mineta said as he grabbed a bag full nuts

'Here I thought mineta was doing something indecent to izuku' everyone thought in the theater
"I should learn not judge to quickly" as Iida thought out loud

Izuku then moved his hand in front of mineta privates "izuku what are you doing"

"I just want to eat some penis"

"WAIT WHAT" everyone screamed in theater

"Huh, see peanuts" as izuku showing a bag peanuts in his hand

All class1A, 1B, pro heroes and villains all just fell anime style

After izuku got the penuts and put to his side mineta started singing
Mineta: I've been alone with you inside my mind and in my dreams I kissed your lips a thousand times
Izuku: I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Both izuku and mineta sat up then looked each other in the eyes
Izuku/mineta: hello is it me you're looking for
As izuku got up ripped his shirt open showing his muscle
Izuku: I can see it in your eyes
As mineta stand up and took off his shirt showing off his fat
Mineta: I can see it in your smile

All the girls where blushed seeing izuku muscle except for his mom and eri but then the blush quickly turned to disgust when mineta took off his shirt
"Are they really singing hello from Lionel Richie?" jiro said
"Yes yes they are" author replied

The scene started playing again as
It shows Izuku lightening up some candles

Izuku: you're all I ever wanted
It shows Mineta holding Petroleum Jelly
Mineta: and my arms open wide

As Mineta was putting on the Petroleum Jelly on his right nipple

Izuku then put  on some knee pads
Izuku: causes you know just what to say
Mineta then put Petroleum Jelly all across each nipple
Izuku: and you know just what to do

Izuku is holding a hamster In his hand while mineta putting on some body oil all over himself

Mineta: Oooo baby
Izuku: and I want to tell you so much

As Mineta putting on white glove then izuku and mineta got closer to each other

Mineta/izuku: I love youuuuuu

The scene changes to outside of the tent as it kept moving back and forwards

Everyone In the theater where either dying of laughter or where trying to hold it in expected for mineta and izuku who where embarrassed of what they did in that universe "hahahahaha I guess I was right mineta did get laid" kaminari said as everyone started laughing at kaminari joke

As flashblack was over they where back at bar with mirio with a shocked face "yeah we caught a lot of fish" an awkward izuku said to mirio " yeahhh" mineta said as he was smelling izuku head
"white cod" mineta said as mirio just ran at the door after what he saw

"Mirio you don't I don't want you thinking that hopefully this doesn't affect your opin- why would do that when that's my first time meeting him" izuku said to mineta
then screen faded out






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