Chapter 2 (Remake)

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(A/N play this song when your reading the multiverse of this one )

"Oooooo is this gonna be romance one
Ahhhhhhhh wonder who gonna be the lucky girl" an excited mina said thinking it was gonna be her, while all the other girls thought it's gonna be them.
"I don't want to watch some romance bullshit" a pissed off shigaraki said
"yeah can I go to some room or something i don't like romance stuff either" dabi said

"Who said this was gonna be a romance" author said giving a confused looked at the Students, hero's, and villains

"Wait what so it's not a romance" Mina said looking disappointed it was not romance "ahhhhhh here I thought izu-kun gonna confesses to me" toga said while uraraka giving murderous aura around of toga said "THEN WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO BE THEN" bakugo said

"Oh you see but I don't like spoiling things unless I need to so watch for now" authors said as he *snap* his fingers the screen started to show

(A/N play the song from up top Thxs bye)

"Giran it's midoriya, Izuku midoriya you're my lawyer. So I think you should know I've killed a lot of people" a sweating izuku said on the phone

"Wait did deku said he killed someone" a shocked uraraka said
"I guess midori gonna confession what he did kero" Tsuyu answered

The scene changes to izuku in front of a picture as he was thinking about himself 'There this idea of a izuku midoriya some kind of abstractions but there is no real me only an entity' as he was thinking he was taking off his face mask

The scene changes to Izuku doing stretches in his underwear 'I have all the characteristics of human being flesh, blood, skin, hair but not a single clear, identifiable emotion' midioriya said while fucking Uraraka as he looked at himself at the mirror

All the girls where blushing seeing midioriya mostly naked but got out of that trace when he said didn't have single clear emotion "that lucky bastard" a crying Mineta/kaminari shouted at izuku

"How come young midioriya doesn't have no emotion author" a worried yagi said a
"He does have emotion but it's just not the good one" replied author

The scene changes to izuku in a office with other people 'Expect for greed, and disgust' midioriya said as he dropped a card at the table while he making a fist with his hands 'I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy'

The scene changes to izuku by the street as he kept looking at a brown hair woman "Hello." Izuku said to woman with brown hair

The scene changes Izuku in the livening room holding a nail gun behind kendo head 'something horrible is happening inside of me'

"his midioriya gonna k-kill me" a worried kendo said "You should keep watching to see if he does or doesn't"
"I'm p-pretty s-sure the o-other me is
n-not g-gonna kill y-you" said izuku

'I think my mask of sanity is about to slip' thought izuku as he looked at tsukauchi "Isn't that right, Izuku?" said tsukauchi

"what's tsukauchi doing there" yagi said
"he's investigating the disappearance of tomura shigaraki" author replied
"what the hell happened to me" shigaraki said "don't worry you soon find out" said author

The scene changes to a hallway where uraraka started running out of room as she screamed for her life then Midioriya come out of the room as he chased uraraka with a chainsaw in his hand

The scene went back to where izuku talking on the phone with giran
"tomura shigaraki I killed tomura shigarki, with an ax in the face!" Izuku said as a Flashback showing izuku holding an izuku behind shigaraki "Ahhhhhh" izuku swang his ax in back of shigaraki head as he got blood all over him
"YOU FUCKING BASTARD" shouted Izuku as he swing his ax again again on shigaraki "He, He, he presents himself as this harmless old codger, but...inside..." narrate Dabi

The scene changes Uraraka laying on the floor with a chainsaw on her back, then it changes to izuku drawing uraraka dead body on his notebook

"...but inside..."

'But inside doesn't matter' thought izuku as he looked at dabi

The scene changes back to the phone call "tonight I, uh haha I just had to kill LOT OF PEOPLE" said izuku as shows flashbacks of him killing police man, homeless people, and woman

The scene changes to izuku inside of a house opening a closet door as he see's 2 dead bodies hanging from the hanger then seeing a clean out closet like none of it ever happened

"Why isn't possible?" A confused izuku said "it's just not" Giran replied


"Because I had dinner with tomura shigaraki twice in London just ten day ago"

"No, you.....didn't"

"didn't midioriya just kill him how is he alive" a confused momo said
"I think izuku made himself believe he killed shigaraki when actuality shigaraki was at London the whole time" AFO replied "here I thought I died" a happy shigaraki said

The scene changes back to the phone call "I mean, I guess I'm pretty sick guy" said midioriya

The scene changes to kendo opening izuku book from his desk kendo then saw drawings of people being cut up open, people cut in half, girl stuck on the walls as nails where on there hand and feet and as she kept flipping each page each of the drawings got more disgusting brutal then last

'And I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others I want no one to escape but even after admitting this, there is no catharsis my punishment continues elude me' narrated izuku

The scene changes back to the phone call "So, you know...keep your eyes open,"

'And I gain no deeper meaning knowledge of myself no new knowledge can be extracted from my telling This confession...has meant...nothing' narrated izuku as it went to close his as the screen darkens

"wow I actually liked it" dabi said
"same it was amusing I wonder what's next" AFO said  'never thought my son could be a psycho, but no matter I still love him the same way' thought AFO
(A/N I decided to make AFO izuku his dad because it's cool and I like that idea of him being his dad)

"Oh this is one is sad one it's sent into the future where quirks don't exists no more they pretty much died out there's are nobody with a quirk expected for a senile nezu who is also human and izuku who his slowly dying" author said as the screen was loading for the next one






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