Nightmares 1/6

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After everyone was done eating, and going to the restroom everyone went back to their sits so they can start the next universe they waited for 5 minutes until author appeared "where were you" a impatient shigaraki said while tapping his feet on the ground "oh sorry I was doing some stuff but before we start the universe I actually forgot bring in someone"author said then he snapped his fingers as a portal came dropping a tired purple hair guy on the floor
"where am i" a tired Shinsou said looking confused

One explanation later

"Oh so where here to watch izuku and the different version of himself" everyone in the theater just nodded their head at shinsou question
Shinsou just shrug and sat down to the closest sit

"Ok then but before we begin Iida in this universe you don't have the quirk called engine it's call the speed force and you're hero name is the flash"

"The flash what can I do?" A curious Iida said

"you're able to run super Fast you're fastest speed was Mach 3.3, or 2,532 miles per hour you can also travel back in time if you're fast enough"
Everyone was shocked at how powerful izuku quirk is
"And you izuku you're don't really have any powers, but you make it up with high tech gear, martial arts, and high intelligence and also you're hero name is called batman/dark knight.
Ok then let's start this universe"







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The Red Death

"Stop me if you heard this one worlds will live worlds will die, but imagine if you're ever fear every bad decision gave birth to a malformed world of nightmares a world that shouldn't exist and desperate as it fights to survive in the world of the true multiverse far above welcome to the dark multiverse home to the stories that never should be it's all one big cosmic joke expect no one is laughing on this side well almost no one listen close now this is a story of a world's end a world transformed witness the rise of the
dark-night" said ???


The world is ending bodies are being pulled up into the dark red sky of death and the flash running through the city shouting
"it's getting worse central city is coming apart we shouldn't be fighting" as a lighting bolt hits down in front of him stopping him and as he dodges it the fire scorches the earth to his side while ice hits the other side of him he turns back to the person he his fighting "this is bigger than both of us we have to do something before it's to late" the person flash his talking to is someone desperate it's Batman

Everyone in theater was shocked of seeing izuku fighting Iida "why are you guys fighting" a worried uraraka said
"How should I know" both izuku and Iida said at the same time

Batman his holding the cold gun,
as the weather wizard wand, the heat gun, and the mirror gun all hang around his belt "As usual you're late flash it's time for you to let someone else have the speed force" Izuku said while he aims the cold gun at Iida

"What are those what do they do *mumble* how did he make those babies *mumble* you white boy" mei said
Author then pointed at himself "Me"
"Yeah how do those babies work and how do u make them" mei said with Star in her eyes "oh the heat gun, the cold gun are pretty much like todoroki power one of them shoots fire while the other shooting ice, the mirror gun uses mirrors near the barrel of the gun, these mirrors can trap people inside and hide stuff in them, and
The weather wizard wand can do is suck up excess electrons in the atmosphere, preventing any form of weather from occurring.

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