Chapter 2

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        Amelia sighed as the bell rang. She had just finished taking a test, and although she usually aced them, this time she forgot to study a certain part of it. Oh well, she could just boost her grade some other time. "At least I'm going to the bakery," she thought. She instantly cheered up. There was nothing like walking through the rows of delicious, sweet-smelling pastries and cookies and every other type of treat you can think of. She imagined the moment the sweet aroma would hit her as she stepped into the bakery, smiling. 

        "Amelia!" Her friend, Leta, called. "Over here!" She looked over, smiling as she saw her friends, Leta, Conner, Jack, and Safira. She was always relieved to be with her friends. Whenever she saw them, automatically became ten times happier. She skipped over to her friends, laughing when she saw them. 

        "Seriously, guys?" She said, laughing. "You know I can't to that," she said, pointing to the giant piece of cardboard Conner held up, decorated with black marker saying "WE THE PEOPLE DESERVE TO GET FREE DOUGHNUTS FROM YOUR BAKERY." 

        "Or could you?" Jack said, grinning. "Please?" 

        "Actually..." Amelia said, pulling a box out of the plastic grocery bag she was carrying. It was white, covered with pictures of pastries, and the label said "Monique's Bakery". They all grinned at each other, and then pounced on the bag.

        "Still going on your diet, huh?" Conner asked Leta when she hung back.  She nodded, wincing. "Oh. Well, maybe next time?"

        "A diet's not a diet if you eat doughnuts every other day," Leta replied, sighing. "Which is hard to do with Amelia showing up all the time and waving the world's most perfect and delicious and amazing smelling food of all time in my face."

        "Why don't you make a once a month exception?" Amelia suggested, holding the box out temptingly. Leta bit her lip hesitatingly, and then reached forward and snatched one. Conner, Jack and Amelia all cheered.

       "Now I see why Leta said you're always waving food in her face," the quiet Safira said, smiling. " But I still don't see how you managed to get Leta out of her diet. Kind of."

        "Yeah, how did  you do that?" Conner added. "'Cause seriously, that was amazing."

       "You have to aim the scent of the pastries in just the right direction." Amelia chuckled. "That's all."

        "That actually is what kind of got me, Leta admitted. She was just about to add something else when Amelia yelped,

        "Shoot! I really gotta go! It's almost four!" Amelia said as quickly as she could, then took off like a shot. She threw herself onto her bike and peddled off as fast as she could. "Straight... left... past the white cows..." She muttered as she rid. Finally, she climbed off, breathless, took her apron out of her backpack and tied it on, smoothed her hair, parked her bike and rested her backpack against it, and walked inside.

Author's Note:

This book is going to be longer then I expected. Luckily for you, the chapters aren't a million words long, because with the amount of dialogue that I'm adding, this might get to about 50 chapters long.

Or 40.

Somewhere around that.




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