nasty asses

16 1 20

UselessDork: >.> its conversations like these that make me proud im gay

Grandpa: XD

Grandpa: lmao

UselessDork: least a guy dont get periods xD

GAuntie R3DD: rub it in why dont ya

GAuntie R3DD: i wish yaw did!

Grandpa: haha

swift: low-key we drop hormones erry week

JammyWolf: nah that be awful

UselessDork: I can fuck um any day of the year without worry :P

Grandpa: bruh

Grandpa: XD

Ol Dude has left the chat

Grandpa: this convo made ol dude leave I think

UselessDork: XD

swift: he be ight

Grandpa: I but I am luaghing my ass off right now irl

GAuntie R3DD: no

JammyWolf: homie just wanted tlk sims

GAuntie R3DD: ol dude dont care

GAuntie R3DD: lol

JammyWolf: but yall went on tlking bout fking on periods and ish

JammyWolf: lol

Grandpa: if dudes did get periods how would that work

Grandpa: blood out the tip

swift: I'm wondering why it's only one female here

GAuntie R3DD: wish yaw could birth babies too

Grandpa: there was two

JammyWolf: it stay like that fam

GAuntie R3DD: but without our period gays or straights wouldnt be here

GAuntie R3DD: :P

Grandpa: or I should say it was one dude two girls <-----Me

GAuntie R3DD: yw

GAuntie R3DD: lol

UselessDork: thats a sighn of testicular cancer if we bleed

Grandpa: x.x

Grandpa: oh god

JammyWolf: i salute all females for what yall got to put up with

UselessDork: XD

GAuntie R3DD: lol.

swift: same

GAuntie R3DD: au

UselessDork: but that doesnt mean we want it

swift: but that don't mean mood swang on us

UselessDork: XD

Grandpa: XD

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