Chapter 4: Doesn't Matter! Let's Stay Positive

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(A/N: It was hard for me to write Kakyoin as close as possible to canon Kakyoin without being a Mary-Sue so I hope y'all understand how she switches from helpless to perfectly fine in some parts of the story)

Sunday went through surprisingly quick and swift. Nothing much happened. It was time for Kakyoin to finally go back to school. Every time she was reminded of it she felt guilty. The only reason she wanted to transfer during the summer was because of being brainwashed by Dio. She felt disgusted at herself. She had made a friend whom which she tried to kill upon the first time they met. But Jotaro forgave her. Even after almost nearly killing him, he still forgave her. Maybe it was because she wasn't as annoying as the other girls? Could be, we'd never know.

Jotaro has bought the same uniform that Kakyoin used to wear during their adventure to Cairo. The same long sleeve dark green blouse with yellow silver buttons and a dark green skirt with two white stripes on the bottom like. Even buying her white knee-high socks and a new pair of leather school shoes. Why does he know about her shoe size as well? Unsettling honestly!

It turned some eyes when Jotaro was shopping for these things. He hoped the newspaper club from school doesn't get involved. The last time they did was when someone saw him eating ice cream. Not like it mattered to him but it really pissed him off when people get in his business. Especially when he's just eating. So he may or may not have used violence to stop them that time.

It's a sunny Monday morning. Jotaro is waiting for Kakyoin on the gate while holding their school bags. He noticed that she also kept the keychain they got from Friday. He smiled a bit. He's a sucker for those tiny details.

"Ready to go?"
She arrived near the house's gates where Jotaro was. She held two small boxes wrapped in white cloth and she wore the same pea coat that he gave her on Friday and he wore the same parka from Friday as well, but he kept his jacket open.

He simply nodded and opened the doors, waiting for her to get out.

"I'm thankful for Ms. Holly to cook us some bento. Gosh the weather is nice even for Tokyo's winters. Gosh I can't wait for spring to come soon. You guys are going on a trip on April right?"
Kakyoin was in a good mood, but really she's distracting herself for what was to come when she finally went back to school. It was fifty-seven days since she last went to school. She hopes to not endure the same thing she did back in her old school.

"Someone's in a good mood."
He was glad seeing her all going happy-go-lucky. Her smile is what you'd call contagious, guess Mr. Joestar was right.

"I just wish this school won't be the same as my last school."
They turned a corner and suddenly heard a loud mob of high school girls.

And dear god, those sounds were from the deepest, terrifying and darkest depths of hell.


"Jojo what did you do this weekend?"

"I made you some bento, Jojo!"


The sounds grew louder till they reached the two. Pushing Kakyoin out the way. Making her nearly dropping her bento box down if it weren't for the help of Hierophant Green.

"Be quiet! God you're so annoying!"
Jotaro pushed the girls away from him.

"Wow! Such a deep voice!"

The other girls were happy from hearing his voice.

No high school student should that monotone of a voice. Puberty really changed Jotaro, huh? Kakyoin thought to herself.

"I'll go ahead. See you at class. I hope."
Kakyoin, went close to Jotaro to get her school bag. She wouldn't want to hear the irritating noises of those teenage girls.

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